Canonly, Demona has tried to murder mankind a couple of times. The last time, was an amazing plot that took 500 years for her to accomplish, by creating a genetically changed virus that would wipe out humans from Earth.
But thanks to whoever exploded your worlds, Demona now only has to deal with a little number of humans. YOU, HUMAN THOR REFUGEES. And her objective in life is to kill you all :3
For that, and because she never had the chance to see it working before, she is again turning to virus. That’s what we humans are mostly scared of; after all, those tiny assholes can even kill our immune system. So she is going back to use virus. And she is creating from your neighbour enterprise “Wayne Enterprises”, so that will be GROUND 0.
About the Virus: This virus was meant to quickly kill its host. It works very similar to Clostridium tetani’s toxin, by infecting the central nervous system and having an inhibitory motor function. In other words, permanent contraction of the muscles, making them rigid and really hard to walk. Very much like a zombie. Yes, this is A ZOMBIE-LIKE VIRUS.
However, it doesn’t kill. Demona’s objective was for it to kill, but she isn’t the most brilliant geneticist ever, she only knows a bit of the essential and she will be using alien stuff (possibly she stole it from Sigrun).
Anyway, THE ZOMBIE VIRUS doesn’t kill nor makes you want to bite your dear friend and eat their brains (unless you want to, it’ll taste good, though). For better understanding on what the heck I’m talking about, here, have a trailer for imagine support.
Click to view
Consequences: When in contact with the virus, the person will indeed look like a zombie, HOWEVER, they don’t realize it.
They think they are still normal and they pretty much feel normal and talk to each other as if they are all cool (yes, zombies can understand each other and everyone else, however, non-infected people won't be able to understand). Their reflexes are diminished, so they see the world around going faster. They can’t die (even thought that was Demona’s first objective), and YES, you might enjoy raw flesh, however you don’t need to eat it.
As for the ones not affect they will see their friends as zombies. They moan instead of talking, they can’t dance |: and when kissing it’s kinda disgusting too… they don’t smell though, don’t worry.
In other words, affected characters can still post, comment, talk to other infected characters in normal conversations, do their daily life as if nothing is going on. Except they are actually ugly looking mutated creates, and non affected characters will pretty much just heard moaning and watch them trying to walk around.
Transmission: BITTING WILL MAKE THE OTHER PERSON A ZOMBIE. Kissing, saliva, tears, blood, bodily fluids in contact with natural entrances of the body and wounds. So don’t fuck a zombie. And don’t drink from the same glass the zombie did. THEY ARE ALSO NOT PETS, OKAY?
The problem of the virus is that it's pandemic. If a zombie sneezes to a table and someone puts their food there, they have a huge chance of getting infected. And for example, the goo-aliens leaving their goo all around? Yeah, fun.
Antidote and healing: So this virus will spread from Wayne Enterprises labs and affect refugees AND citizens.
Unfortunately, Demona doesn’t have anything that would protect her from getting the virus as well, so before she releases it, she created a powerful antidote. That not only cures the virus, but also prevents others from getting it (in this case, her. Because she is the only one with access to it for now).
Healers that use super-natural methods to heal others, can easily heal zombies aswell (the zombies just need to be quiet first and NOT SPIT ON THEIR FACES). Doctors won’t, however. Yeah, because that implies taking like 3 weeks to create a new antidote and this plot is supposed to be only 4-5 days. Doctors, can, however, IDENTIFY the virus and learn how it works.
Capturing the culprit: All information points that the virus came from Wayne Enterprises and Batdude will know it was Demona (Dominique) quiet easily, but you’ll only be able to capture Demona after 4/5 days of zombiefied Thorians.
She will end up handing over the antidote which can be simply mixed with water and food and et voilá, you are good to go in less than a hour.
To make this easier to happen in game, you don’t need to get your character bitten, just assume some Thorian bit/sneezed/licked them, but if you want to plot among yourselves, who bites who, go ahead.
- Demona wants to kill all humans.
- She is working at Wayne Enterprises labs (GROUND ZERO)
- First infected was an alien.
- She creates a virus that zombiefies people.
- Non affected see the infected as ZOMBIES.
- Affected characters feel NORMAL as if nothing is wrong with them.
- Virus is passed through body fluids in contact with wounds or natural entrances.
- Supernatural healers (not doctors) can heal zombies.
- Demona will be captured 4-5 days after the plot begins. (it can be more if you want it to be more)
- She will end up giving you guys the antidote.
- People to become zombies - Leo, Rise, Ed, Yuri, Richezza
- Healers - Noi, Shion, Castiel, Wolf
- People to capture Demona - Batman, Kakashi, Jason
- Feel free to plot among yourselves. If you want anything to do with Demona directly, let me know.
- This plot doesn't have to be only 5 days, however it MUST be less than 2 weeks (because I don't want it longer than two weeks =/ ). I'd like some feedback on how long you guys want it to be.
- I need dates for this to happen. I was thinking next month, around the 16th, but I'd like feedback as well.
- Questions, other comments and such, please PLEASE let me know. It's the first time I'm doing a plot in this game (...even though I've been here for over a year, how sad is that) and I really would like others to join, even if only a few? Besides, it'd be cool for Batman & Family (...and Jason >_>) to do some heroic stuff. And anyone else.