yo tengo the plots | LOKI

Jun 09, 2011 14:31


I... I don't even know how to word this

But in chat (like 2 days ago so this is late) a few of us wanted to do a murder mystery plot! So if you're interested in a murder mystery to be hosted over dinner one day on the loki, please sign up~ We'd like to get all 34 of us involved for extra epic shenanigans, but this is completely voluntary as always!

So, without further ado, I bring to you...


One night aboard the Loki, people will plan some sort of murder mystery game which is basically where the guests go by a story and play it out and follow instructions on cards that are pre-written (they probably downloaded it off their guide) and try to solve the murder(s)! It's like real-person Clue(do).

ICly, we're basically going to host a dinner party and then everyone will pick a role out of a hat and raid people's closets finding costumes for their roles! Think 5-minute cosplay.

I guess the theme is that we're in the late 1800s/early 1900s in ????Englamerica-ish place and we were all invited to a fancy schmancy dinner party

I would love to hear all the characters ICly attempt terribly bad accents

To sign up, just leave your character's name and the IC role you want your character to have picked from the hat (you can come up with a bogus alias too or I will give you one).
  • Kakashi - DR. ARISTOTLE HIGGINS, who is recently back in town from his trip to study giraffes in Nam*bia.
  • Kaylee - JAYMES NEWBURY, Dr. Higgins' assistant, who is an undergrad student at *xf*rd.
  • Obito - MR. ROGER BENNET, who is on a vacation with his wife and child.
  • Itachi - MRS. BAMBI BENNET, who is on a vacation with her husband and child.
  • Sasuke - THOMAS BENNET (aka LITTLE TOMMY aka MUFFIN), the Bennet's new baby son.
  • Sakura - MS. DARCY, the Bennet's governess.
  • Katsura - MS. KIYOHIME TOYOTAMA, the prostitute.
  • Kamui - MITZI, [ idk Nepeta? ]'s Papillon.
  • Suguru - MR. BLAKELY WILDER, ornithologist who plays music in his spare time.
  • Pip - BARNABY ST. MARMADUKE, the butler.
  • Chouji - MR. DIGGLES DEVEREAUX, an ex-knife juggler from the circus who is trying to sell his knives.
  • Martel - MS. DUNYA GLAZKOVA, an ex-acrobat who left the circus with her boyfriend Diggles.
  • Nepeta - IHNI
  • Max - MS. SUSAN WONG, heiress of great many hotels in the far east.
  • Chie - MRS. CHARITY ASHWORTH, founder and CEO of Epiclean Detergent.
  • Raidou - MS. SIEGLINDE GERHARDT, an undercover detective posing as a G*rm*n tourist
  • Guy - PROF. REGINALD CLEESE, professor of ancient R*man literature at Pr*nc*t*n University.
  • Remus - MR. BARTHÉLÉMY PLOUFF, the cook (coerced into the game when he drops by and there is a sudden rule that everyone starts referring to him as Monsieur Plouff)
  • Minato - PHIL, the mysterious random townsperson that everyone seems to know of, but not know.
  • Logan - MR. BUCKY JACKSON, a gardener from Mississippi.
  • Renge - MS. B. FUJOSHI, the maid.
  • Rise - MS. EUFEMIA BIANCHI, a homeless aspiring actress making her way to N*w Y*rk City.
  • Souji - MR. JEROME FRUITHANDLER, the town butcher.
  • Polly - MS. CONSTANCE BARRINGTON, a jewel thief on the run.
  • Alice - DET. ARNOLD FARRADAY, of Scotland Yard.
A retired racketball coach, a butcher, someone's grandmother, a politician... FEEL FREE TO MAKE UP RELATIONS WITH PEOPLE WHO ALREADY EXIST

Does anyone have a time suggestion? I'm thinking some time next week...

I don't actually have a plan yet, but I think it involves leaving clues to a story... which means I have to think up a story... hurghhh if anyone wants to suggest things please let me know!

What's under Kakashi's mask is up! You can tag in at any time during the Loki trip.

i kept the ring, !!!!!!!!dickpoints!!!!!!!!!, ninjas are better than pirates, pirates vs ninjas vs samurai vs super sa, curb yo'self, pop and lock, who is driving car, plotting, tag this shit, i can't forget you, omfg, plotnanigans, boner boner boner, ninjas are better than you, failing, sweaty man wrestling, /backflips into these tags, lol lol lol, corinne is a harsh tag mistress, jess is promiscuous, plot

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