Dec 02, 2011 01:51

So this month for Gin's class, I was entertaining the idea of the dreaded egg baby. (If the first thing that came to your head was one of those comedical episodes where the protagonist/s have to take care of a sack of flour or an egg in lieu of an actual child for health/family studies... you're on the right track.)

So the basic gist of this is that all high school students will be assigned into pairings (heedless of genders) and forced to take care of the egg for the entire month, regardless of other commitments. Failure to sufficiently take care of the egg results in a failed grade, blah blah blah. Pairings will be generated by personal preference (you can set it up with another player) or randomly. Alternatively, those who foresee an extremely busy month and won't be able to coordinate properly with other players can be assigned as a solo-parent, because those exist and Gin's a dick.

Questions? Thoughts? Cookie?

this probably didn't make as much sense as I wanted it to but SLEEP IS FOR CHUMPS

sure is plotty in here, plotting, plotting timez, plotnanigans, plotapalooza, it's akilicious, plot

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