Black Magic White Lies, chapter 5

Jun 29, 2009 10:17

Title: Black Magic White Lies
Chapter 5 - Under Suspicion: A Whodunit Intermezzo
Timeline: BtVS, alternate season 5
Genre: drama, mystery, action
Characters, pairing: general, Xander/Faith
Rating: R (for intense situations).
Summary: Xander thinks he has a little secret. He doesn't know that his little secret is a part of a big fat conspiracy.
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bmwl, fanfic

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Comments 30

tvnerdgirl June 29 2009, 19:11:55 UTC
Awww, I love how Willow accepts and loves Xander no matter how many secrets he keeps. He suspects Giles? Interesting...

Good job!


moscow_watcher June 29 2009, 19:34:33 UTC
Thank you!

I think Willow would do anything for Xander - and she'd still feel guilty that she doesn't do more.
Yes, Xander suspects Giles. He doesn't know why the latter looks uncomfortable around him. (Giles also have a secret - and he is not ready to share it yet)


sam_arkand June 30 2009, 00:03:44 UTC
I've been following this story for a while. Really enjoying the AU, Xander's conflicts, and the implications.


moscow_watcher June 30 2009, 08:04:32 UTC
Thank you!
A compliment from a famous Xander writer means a lot to me. I hope you'll enjoy the rest of the story.


a2zmom June 30 2009, 03:11:38 UTC
Love Willow's loyalty here. She would do just about anything for Xander. And Xander's guilt is making him way paranoid, I suspect.


moscow_watcher June 30 2009, 08:17:49 UTC
Yes, Willow is the epithome of a loyal friend. I think the revelation shocked her - and, at the same way, made her relieved. Now she knows that Xander wasn't sad because of her. Since that moment her protectiveness kicks into overdrive... with mixed results. :)

Xander's guilt is making him way paranoid

Not only guilt. Giles acts strangely around Xander - and he has his reasons. But not the ones Xander suspects.


sarian71 June 30 2009, 09:47:06 UTC
"I feel it. Have you ever had a feeling that you're right even though you can't prove it?"

Her mouth twitches. "I even know what they call that feeling. Faith."

That was excellent!


moscow_watcher June 30 2009, 13:28:17 UTC
Thank you, honey!
I'm glad you like the story and I'm especially happy that my meek attempt at word-play in foreign language makes sense.


sentine June 30 2009, 10:29:35 UTC
Honey, do you have a quota of questions raised at each chapter? ;)

I have this picture in my mind now, of Xander caught in a spider's web... By the way (and I'll try very hard to make sense here) I really like how you write Xander. It's very honest: not making him better or worse than he actually was in the show. I had a lot of issues with Xander -especially in the latter seasons- but in the end, it always came back to the fact that he's a human with human flaws.


moscow_watcher June 30 2009, 14:59:26 UTC
Honey, do you have a quota of questions raised at each chapter? ;)

I do. *evil laugh*
In my defence I can only say that the clues to the mysteries are usually inserted in the chapters where the mysteries are mentioned.

I have this picture in my mind now, of Xander caught in a spider's web...

Oh, the situation is not as horrible as it looks at first sight. After all, he has friends and they *do* care about him.

I really like how you write Xander. It's very honest: not making him better or worse than he actually was in the show. I had a lot of issues with Xander -especially in the latter seasons- but in the end, it always came back to the fact that he's a human with human flaws.This is the best compliment to me, honestly. I was unsure about the way I write Xander. I also had a lot of issues with his behavior, especially in s6. I started writing this story partly because I wanted him to step into both Buffy's and Spike's shoes - i.e. to have a "dirty secret" and to try to save a woman he loves desperately, against all odds. And, in ( ... )


sentine June 30 2009, 15:55:58 UTC
the clues to the mysteries are usually inserted in the chapters

grrr argh...
Of course, you just had to make it worse ;)


moscow_watcher June 30 2009, 16:20:43 UTC
Meep! Sorry. *ducks* :)


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