Essay for Buffyversemeta community

Jul 17, 2007 13:50

Written for Buffyversemeta metathon

Title: Ten Years of Buffy and Spike
Summary: Spuffy fanfiction is invariably popular. Why?
Spoilers: All BtVS seasons.
Word count: around 1200
Notes: Thanks for latestartercds for beta work. I'd be happy to hear from other fans, whether they agree or disagree. Usually I post within Spuffy community and share my thoughts with like-minded ( Read more... )

meta, essay, spuffy

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Comments 56

petzipellepingo July 17 2007, 22:57:12 UTC
There are many Buffies and there are many Spikes in the fanon. Each author sees them differently - which is not surprising, because even Mutant Enemy writers saw them differently. I remember Simon saying once that Whedonverse has the most fragmentized fandom and me replying that it's because Whedonverse is boundless and everybody can find something for his\her taste. I think the same could be applied to Spuffy. Shipwise, character-wise, plot-wise, Buffy and Spike offer such an enormous wealth of possibilities that writers imagination goes into overdrive ( ... )


moscow_watcher July 18 2007, 10:31:36 UTC
Thanks, Petzi!

I noticed that you've pimped my post in your daily fandom overview, and I'm very flattered!


petzipellepingo July 18 2007, 13:05:18 UTC
My pleasure!


louise39 July 17 2007, 23:27:27 UTC
A splendid essay on the appeal of Spuffy.
'Spuffy is that rare couple that works both as a tragedy and as a comedy at the same time. It's the inherent quality of the ship.' So true.
I have never felt the draw of any other couple in fiction or tv. These two are created in conflict and mirror each other so well, I want the chance that they can achieve happiness.
'Great love stories never end up happily. It's the impossibility of being together that makes them great love stories.'
Reading about them though gives me hope that someday...


moscow_watcher July 18 2007, 09:45:43 UTC
A splendid essay on the appeal of Spuffy.

Thank you!

Reading about them though gives me hope that someday...

Oh, yes. Indeed, Spuffy is about hope. :)


mary5958 July 18 2007, 01:30:20 UTC
Spuffy is about journey.

Every memorable story is. I remember an icon I saw fairly often as the series ended. "Buffy and Spike: The greatest love story never told".

Aren't we fortunate that we can tell it? And that we can share the insights of others doing the same? Be privy to their imaginations?

Wonderful post - thank you!


moscow_watcher July 18 2007, 09:49:20 UTC
I agree - Joss gave us the most precious gift ever. He gave us a fascinating universe with compelling characters and boundless possibilities. We have the playground, the players and the right to make our own rules. What else a ficwriter could dream of?


darynthe July 18 2007, 03:33:14 UTC
You write so well and I want to have your babies. Their names will be Rose, Hugo, and the first born Albus Severus.


moscow_watcher July 18 2007, 10:08:35 UTC
Hee - thanks! And - your comment made me finally read *THE* spoilers and they made me happy! So - thanks again!


shipperx July 18 2007, 04:19:52 UTC
Many ships are about destination. Spuffy is about journey.

Oooh! I really like that. It fits perfectly.


moscow_watcher July 18 2007, 10:15:21 UTC
Thanks! And - I can't stop gazing at your icon. Our ship comes from sea only in fanon - but how inventively and beautifully it finds the land!


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