
Aug 07, 2006 10:20

My new article "Buffy the Vampire Slayer": Future Is Now". for AccociatedContent collects my thoughts on Whedonverse, modern entertainment and interaction between professional and amateur art. Curiously, the impetus for this article was a Spuffy-bashing paper written by another fan.
I love fics by Ducks aka theantijoss. I respect her work and consider her one ( Read more... )

meta, spuffy

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Comments 18

deborahw37 August 7 2006, 17:16:59 UTC
I enjoyed reading your article . It was articulate, well written and well argued .

Well done!


moscow_watcher August 7 2006, 21:46:42 UTC
Thank you, Deborah, you're very kind. I realise that my style sucks big time, I can't express myself in English as easily as I can do it in my native tongue. But I can't keep my big mouth shut when it comes to Spuffy. :)


bluekaty August 10 2006, 14:44:22 UTC
Sorry for this late message, I'm just catching up with things. I just wanted to say, thank you for your article which I thought was very well argued and well-written. I haven't read Ms Fowler's essay and I won't, I think I read elsewhere her ideas on Spuffy and I find them completely biased and in bad faith.


moscow_watcher August 10 2006, 19:41:48 UTC
Thanks for kind words, Bluekaty! As to Fowler's essay, the thing that irked me the most was that she did it as a professional writer, i.e. she got money for the paper she wrote to denounce rival ship. As fans, we can ship and rant and be biased - but she shouldn't have been extending this attitude to professional journalism.


cindergal August 12 2006, 22:55:55 UTC
I just got the chance to read your article - very well done. I won't be reading the other one - I already know what her opinion is. :-)


moscow_watcher August 13 2006, 09:36:24 UTC
Thanks! I'm glad that Buffy\Spike pairing still evokes strong emotions of fans and antis. Three years has passed and still Fowler feels the urge to denounce the couple she dislikes. And fans feel the urge to defend the couple they like. It's amazing!


marvelgirl_art August 18 2006, 21:19:09 UTC
отличная статья, васкез!
никогда не любила ложных скромников и псевдо-правдо-искателей, а девушка дакс в этом явно преуспевает. я рада, что ты нашла время и силы дать ей достойный отпор.

п.с. *недоумевая* я почему-то не вижу твоих записей в своем избранном, хотя точно помню, что тебя туда вносила. странно...


moscow_watcher August 21 2006, 10:21:43 UTC
..."в избранное" - в смысле "в ленту друзей"? Потому что я однажды пыталась разобраться в дайриках, и поняла, что там "избранное" означает friend-list. А в ЖЖ "избранное" (memories) означает разовое занесение отдельно взятых ЖЖ-постов (своих, чужих) в особый список, на который ты можешь попасть с главной страницы. Для этого просто кликаешь на сердечко с плюсиком. А чтобы занести кого-то в ленту друзей, нужно кликнуть в его профиле (user info) на человечка с плюсиком.

Спасибо за отзыв!


marvelgirl_art August 21 2006, 11:17:49 UTC
да, не. все технические детали я знаю и внесла тебя туда, куда надо) поэтому, собственно, и удивляюсь, что тебя там не видно.
ну, ладно, разберемся))


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