Six previews, one notable female character.

May 08, 2009 21:41

I went with some friends to see the new Star Trek movie. Going in, I was intensely skeptical but also excited. I mean, new Trek! But new Trek directed by JJ Abrams, whose work I generally detest, and who has asserted his lack of Trekkie-ness with a consistent and disappointing fervor that reminded me of Evan Lysacek's consistent and disappointing ( Read more... )

star trek, movies

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Comments 16

minim_calibre May 9 2009, 02:41:45 UTC
This movie makes me want to carve BONES HEARTS JIM into the nearest tree.

And I need more Sulu.


mosca May 9 2009, 04:10:19 UTC
I would accept Kirk/Bones, too. Or totally rebooted Kirk/Spock.

They wasted John Cho almost as much as the old show wasted George Takei.


minim_calibre May 9 2009, 04:15:55 UTC
This is true. But I'll take whatever Cho I am given and hope for more later.


queen_of_goat May 9 2009, 05:08:41 UTC
OK, I didn't read your review, because I'm seeing it on Monday, but I had to comment. I didn't know there were people other than me who owned the Nitpicker's Guide! I got my first one when I was 13ish I believe. That is also when I went to my first Star Trek convention all by myself. I've actually only ever been to two conventions and both were when I was 13, but still, I was obviously a hopeless dork at an early age.


mosca May 10 2009, 14:45:22 UTC
Dude, there are three Nitpicker's Guides: two for TNG and one for DS9. I have all of them. The first TNG one is filled with notes I wrote in it when I was 14.

...If that guy had those ideas about a show now, he'd just put them on the internet.


gngrmyrsn May 9 2009, 05:39:09 UTC
Well, fuck, I guess I have to go see it now. (I was going to anyway, but now I'll go sooner than later.) Always glad to hear someone somewhere got Chekov right. Mmmm, Karl Urban. And two Spocks (wtf?) And Winona Ryder? I thought she was dead.

How was the music? I lurved Michael Giacchino's score for The Incredibles.


mosca May 10 2009, 14:46:55 UTC
You should really see it. It's a lot of fun.

I don't really pay attention to movie scores, so I'm the wrong person to ask about that.


gngrmyrsn May 10 2009, 22:39:52 UTC
Fuck! That was great!

Wish I'd seen it with a bigger crowd - all 10 of us were Trekkies, I could tell by the muted applause through the movie - but I hate crowds.

I'll have to see it again on a big screen and then buy the DVD. The score was so good, I stuck around through the end credits. I'm too much of a musical snob to buy soundtracks, but I would like to have this movie on DVD (partly for the score).

S/U, I still don't like it, but meh, okay. Wildcat was right all along.

Trek lives. Although they did their best, those bastards Berman and Braga couldn't kill it after all. Hooray for everyone!


mosca May 13 2009, 02:10:37 UTC
Hee, glad you liked it!

They did have to reboot it into an AU to save it from Berman and Braga. But it survived.


skywaterblue May 9 2009, 06:14:32 UTC
Was it good for you? It was totally good for me.

I might see it a third time, in IMAX.


mosca May 10 2009, 14:47:39 UTC
Your "fandom needs a cigarette" post pretty much sums it up. It's nice to see All Of Fandom setting aside its differences and coming together in LOVE.


jazzfic May 9 2009, 06:16:02 UTC
I'm just come back from seeing it, and I'm still humming that old theme tune. I loved the bright colours, the vertigo-inducing camera angles, the pace it it. Movies have to work hard to push my fangirl buttons, and this one did.


mosca May 10 2009, 14:48:52 UTC
They worked really hard to make sure all the fangirl buttons got pushed, I think. And in a genuine, "we love our Trekkies!" way.


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