what. the. FUCK.

Sep 21, 2007 20:32

i'm on my way home to change for work and i get a call from my roommate jess telling me NOT to come home because our apartment was surrounded by S.W.A.T. teams, cops, fire, hazmat, etc.

our lovely downstairs neighbor, Mark McKinney, was having an old fashioned METH LAB COOK in his apartment.

and he stole guns from his job @ gander mountain.

he was arrested two days ago and the cops never told our landlord, sarkis. therefore, WE weren't informed. sarkis has been trying to serve him an eviction notice for days and he hasn't been home [obviously].

they came in to bust him for the guns and i heard that they knew about the drugs then, but i'm not sure.

they said that there was enough chemicals in there being processed that it would've leveled our street.

i do NOT feel comfortable. jess and kaete are going to stay @ kaete's parents house. i'm going to go stay @ my friend erica's.. my roomie, joycelyn, i'm not sure..
we called sarkis 3 times and told him that we smelled stuff and he never acted on it.
i'm so angry. SO. angry.

jess and kaete want to buy out the lease.. *I* don't want to live here.. but what can we do? does anyone have any legal advice?

here are some pics [because i wouldn't leave you hanging..]

the police out my kitchen window

on his door. i'm on the stairs leading to our apartment door.

so i'm going to erica's. you can call my phone if you know the number, or IM it through AIM: cisforcellphone.


meth, drugs, apartment

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