
Nov 29, 2010 12:09

It's been months. You'd think a vampire stalker would eventually give up? But I guess that's the drawbacks of eternity. They have all the time in the world to wait. I, on the other hand, would like to feel a little less restricted in case she somehow catches me when I'm not looking.

Why is she still so set on me? He's obviously not coming back.

post-virus, something here, stalkers suck

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have another vampire bella B| rudolphofvamps November 29 2010, 17:47:42 UTC
You said it, luv. When us undead types get our minds set on something, it can be awful hard to shake us.


rudolphofvamps November 29 2010, 19:38:30 UTC
Ah- well. You wouldn't have it on your world. But it makes vampires immune to the sun. And other pesky things that usually might hurt us. I had it once, but Buffy stole it and-- anyway.


mortally November 29 2010, 19:47:05 UTC
I wish there was just a gem. But they all have the ability to go out in the sun. and they never sleep. So there's no down time.


rudolphofvamps November 30 2010, 00:43:30 UTC
Never sleep.. what the hell. Alright, fill me in on these vamps of yours. How do you kill 'em? You still have to invite them in, right? ..right?


mortally November 30 2010, 01:12:40 UTC
Yeah, no. They can come in even if you don't even them.

Basically only werewolves have been proven to kill them. And fire. Or an act of God.


rudolphofvamps November 30 2010, 01:15:05 UTC
Now you're just making me want to try.


mortally November 30 2010, 01:16:01 UTC
Other vampires can kill them too.

So maybe supernatural beings?

Which I'm not.


rudolphofvamps November 30 2010, 01:19:40 UTC
Best advice I can give you? Carry an axe at all times. It's not inconspicuous but it gets the job done.


mortally November 30 2010, 01:20:12 UTC
Doesn't work on them.


rudolphofvamps November 30 2010, 01:26:08 UTC
What do you mean, it doesn't work on 'em? It's an axe.


mortally November 30 2010, 01:27:48 UTC
They're bodies are like marble. Not literally, but that's comparatively speaking.


rudolphofvamps November 30 2010, 01:42:05 UTC
That... is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.


mortally November 30 2010, 01:45:58 UTC
Welcome to my life.


rudolphofvamps November 30 2010, 01:47:21 UTC
You should come join me in Hell, sweetheart. Dinos are cake compared to that rot.


mortally November 30 2010, 01:49:20 UTC
Hell would be a lot easier than dealing with Victoria.


rudolphofvamps November 30 2010, 01:50:14 UTC
Sounds like.


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