Lest I forget what I'm working on, here's this year's Uberlist - a list of all the painting that I've started (italics), finished (strikeout) or simply added to the to-do list (regular font).
If you're interested in seeing what's on my painting desk at the moment, you can find the list
behind the cut.
Painting and Sculpting:
- Confrontation: Wulfen (Ian)
- Unarmoured Wolfen with spears [x2]
- Warmachine: Khador (Lon)
- The Butcher of Khadov, Warcaster
- Spriggan Heavy Warjack
- Destroyer Heavy Warjack
- Manhunter, Solo
- Warmachine: Cygnar (Me, Jye)
- Captain Victoria Haley, Warcaster (alternate sculpt)
- Warcaster: Major Markus "Siege" Brisbane
- Hunter Light Warjack
- Alternate Journeyman Warcaster, Solo
- Long Gunner Unit Attachment
- Hordes: Legion of Everblight (Dave)
- Thagrosh, Warlock
- Lylyth, Warlock
- Carnivean, Heavy Warbeast
- Seraph, Light Warbeast
- Harrier, Lesser Warbeast [x2]
- Shredder, Lesser Warbeast [x4]
- Spawning Vessel [x1] and Acolyths [x6]
- Incubi, Solo [x5]
- Shepherd, Solo
- Blighted Archers and Unit Attachment [x8]
- Teraph, Light Warbeast
- Striders [x6]
- Warmachine: Pirate Mercenaries (Leigh)
- Mariner Heavy Warjack
- Mule Heavy Warjack
- Freebooter Heavy Warjack
- Fiona the Black, Warcaster
- "Broadsides" Bartolo Montador, Warcaster
- Gunner McNaille, Solo
- Dirty Meg, Solo
- Bloody Bradigan, Solo
- Press Gang [x10]
- Sea Dogs [x2]
- Sea Dog Rifleman
- Sea Dog Deck Gun #1
- Sea Dog Deck Gun #2
- Lady Aiyanna and Master Holt, Unit
- Infinity: Haqqislam (Me)
- MI: Djanbazan, Rifle
- LI: Ghulam, Rifle [x3]
- LI: Ghulam, Doctor
- MI: Hassassin Ragik, Rifle
- MI: Hassassin Ragik, Heavy Machinegun
- SK: Hunzakut scout, Rifle/Repeaters/AP mines
- SK: Khawarij, Rifle
- Warhammer 40,000: Thousand Sons (Ian)
- Lord of Change, Greater Daemon
- Vindicator tank #1
- Vindicator tank #2
- Vindicator tank #3
- Rhino transport #1
- Rhino transport #2
- Rhino transport #3
- Daemonvessel
- Tzeenth Thousand Sons Marines Squad 1 [x9]
- Tzeenth Thousand Sons Marines Squad 2 [x9]
- Tzeentch Thousand Sons Marines Squad 3 [x9]
- Tzeentch Thousand Sons - additional models for Squad 1 [x9]
- Tzeentch Chosen [x9]
- Disc of Tzeentch
- Objective Marker #1
- Objective Marker #2
- Bases for floating tanks (x7)
- Landraider
- Warhammer 40,000: Ulthwe Craftworld Eldar (Dave Teoh)
- Fire Dragon Exarch, Dragon's Breath flamer
- Fire Dragon Exarch, Firepike
- Fire Dragons Aspect Warriors [x10]
- Falcon Grav Tank
- Warp Spider Exarch, Deathspinners
- Warp Spider Exarch, Spinnaret Rifle
- Warp Spider [x9]
- Autarch, Jetbike, Lance, Fusion Gun, Mandiblasters
- Swooping Hawk Exarch, Sunrifle
- Swooping Hawk Exarch, Hawk's Talon
- Swooping Hawk [x10]
- Shining Spear Exarch, Lance
- Shining Spear [x4]
- Wave Serpent Grav Tank #1 [Shuriken Cannon]
- Fire Prism Grav Tank #1
- Fire Prism Grav Tank #2
- Autarch, Jump Generator, Fusion Gun, Halberd
- Wave Serpent Grav Tank #2 [Missile Launcher]
- Wave Serpent Grav Tank #3 [Brightlance]
- Warmachine: Menoth (Henry)
- Reznik, Warcaster
- Kreoss, Warcaster
- The Testament of Menoth, Epic Warcaster
- Feora, Warcaster
- The High Reclaimer, Warcaster
- Amon Ad-Raza, Warcaster
- Harbinger of Menoth, Warcaster
- Epic Severius, Epic Warcaster
- Crusader, Heavy Warjack
- Revenger, Light Warjack
- Repenter, Light Warjack
- Devout, Light Warjack
- Choir Priest and Acoltyes, Unit [x4]
- Holy Zealots and Monolith Bearer [x11] (6 + UA complete)
- Temple Flameguard Spearmen [x6]
- Reclaimer, Solo
- Vassal of Menoth, Solo
- Wrack, Solo [x3]
- Dartan Vilmon, Character Solo
- High Exemplar Gravus, Character Solo
- Lady Aiyanna and Master Holt, Mercenary Character Unit
- Rhupert Carvolo, Mercenary Solo
- Orin Midwinter, Mercenary Solo
- Gorman Di Wulffe, Mercenary Solo
- Infinity: Yu Jing (Owen)
- LI: Keisotsu Butai, Rifle [x4]
- MI: Tiger Soldier
- SK: Guilang Ghost Warrior
- SK: Ninja, Sniper Rifle
- HI: Hac Tao
- HI: Shang Ji Immortal
- HI: Daofei
- Space Marines: Mentor Legion (Denis)
- Vindicator tank, magnetised 'dozer blade
- Predator tank, magnetised weapons
- Landspeeder #1, magnetised MM/AC and HF/HB
- Landspeeder #2, magnetised MM/AC and HF/HB
- Landspeeder #3, magnetised MM/AC and HF/HB
- Landspeeder #4, magnetised HB/HB/ML
- Landspeeder #5, magnetised HB/HB/ML
- Landspeeder #6, magnetised HB/HB/ML
- Attack Bike #1, magnetised MM/HB
- Attack Bike #2, magnetised MM/HB
- Attack Bike #3, magnetised MM/HB
- Blood Bowl: Dwarf team (RedNick)
- #1-2: Trollslayers [x2]
- #3-4: Runners [x2]
- #5-6: Blitzers [x2]
- #7-16: Lineman [x10]
- #16: Deathroller [x1]
- Warmachine: Thamarite Pirates (Me)
- Fiona the Black, Warcaster
- Vanguard, Light Warjack
- Warhammer 40,000: Deathwing (WargamerAU.com army diary)
- Belial, Master of the Deathwing
- Deathwing Tactical Squad #1 [x5]
- Ravenwing Recon Squad #1 [x3]
- Deathwing Devastator Squad #1 [x5]
- Ravenwing Attack Bike #1
- Deathwing Command (Assault) Squad #1 [x5]
- Deathwing Tactical Squad #2 [x5]
- Ravenwing Recon Squad #2 [x3]
- Deathwing Assault Squad #2 [x5]
- Ravenwing Attack Bike #2
- Deathwing Devastator Squad #2 [x5]
- Librarian Terminator
- Chaplain Terminator
- Warmachine: Menoth (Me) (Won Master Craftsman at GenCon Oz 2008)
- Feora, Protector of the Flame
- Castigator, Heavy Warjack
- Castigator, Heavy Warjack
- Vanquisher, Heavy Warjack
- Devout, Light Warjack
- Reclaimer, Solo
- Wrack, Solo [x2]
- Temple Flameguard troops, officer and standard [x11]
- Daughters of the Flame [x6]
- Choir Priest and Acolytes [x6]
- Choir Priest and Acolytes [x6]
- Miscellaneous
- Night Elf (sculpt and paint), for Sally
- Gnome (sculpt and paint), for Sally
- Lady Aiyana and Master Holt, for Dave
- Sarin, Eladrin Rogue
- Sathriel, Eladrin Warlock
- Glitch, Warforged Warlord
- Cassis, Human Wizard
- Shy'Zarra, Dragonborn Ranger
- Solomon, Tiefling Paladin
- Ash'ykk, Tiefling Paladin
- Demon Queen, for Jye
- Ol'Rowdy, Cygnar Heavy Warjack (for Dave)