High time I got organised. Here's this year's Uberlist - a list of all the painting that I've started (italics), finished (strikeout) or simply added to the to-do list (regular font).
If you're interested in seeing what's on my painting desk at the moment, you can find the list
behind the cut.
Painting and Sculpting:
- Confrontation: Wulfen (Ian)
- Predateurs Sanglants [x3]
- Onyx the Prowler
- Armoured Wolfen [x2]
- Sacred Vestal
- Guardian of the Runes
- Grave Guardian
- Syriak the Intrepid
- Sylvan Animae [x4]
- Warmachine: Khador (Lon)
- Kommander Orsus Zoktavir, the Butcher of Khadov (Epic Warcaster)
- Kharchev the Terrible, Warcaster
- The Butcher of Khadov, Warcaster
- Marauder Heavy Warjack
- Marauder Heavy Warjack
- Juggernaught Heavy Warjack
- Juggernaught Heavy Warjack
- Berserker Heavy Warjack
- Solo: Manhunter
- Solo: Man-o-War Kovnik
- Man-o-War Shock Troopers [x3] (Best Painted and Best Overall, Full Metal Gathering 2007)
- Doomreavers [x6]
- Warmachine: Cygnar (Me, Jye)
- Major Victoria Haley, Epic Warcaster
- Lord Commander Stryker, Epic Warcaster
- Captain Victoria Haley, Warcaster (alternate sculpt)
- Warcaster: Major Markus "Siege" Brisbane
- Ironclad Heavy Warjack
- Lancer Light Warjack
- Sentinel Light Warjack
- Storm Lance Heavy Cavalry unit [x5]
- Trencher command and grenade porter [x3]
- Mechanic and 'Infernal Contraption' gobbers (Bronze, PP Grandmaster contest 2007 - unit category)
- Solo: Journeyman Warcaster
- Hordes: Legion of Everblight (Dave)
- Harrier, lesser dragonspawn [x2]
- Thagrosh, Propher of Everblight
- Carnivean, heavy warbeast
- Shredder, lesser warbeast [x1]
- Warmachine: Pirate Mercenaries (Leigh)
- Captain Phinneas Shae, Warcaster
- Mariner Heavy Warjack
- Buccaneer Light Warjack
- Bosun Grogspar, Solo
- First Mate Hawk, Solo
- Doc Killingsworth, Solo
- Lord Rockbottom, Solo
- Mister Walls, Unit Attachment
- The Commodore, Artillery
- Commodore cannon crew [x3]
- Sea Dogs and Riflemen [x10]
- Hordes: Trollbloods (Me)
- Madrak, Warlock
- Grim Angus, Warlock
- Dire Troll Mauler (Best Painted, Stampede 2007)
- Troll Impaler #1
- Troll Impaler #2
- Troll Axer
- Trollkin Champions [x5]
- Krielstone Bearer and Stone Scribes [x6]
- Trollkin Fell Caller (solo)
- Alten Ashley, Monster Hunter (solo)
- Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew [x2]
- Warhammer 40,000: Thousand Sons (Ian)
- Tzeentch Chaos Lord
- Tzeentch Sorcerer in Terminator Armour
- Tzeenth Terminators [x9]
- Tzeentch Chosen Terminators [x9]
- Flamers of Tzeentch [x9]
- Flamers of Tzeentch [x9]
- Flamers of Tzeentch [x9]
- Flamers of Tzeentch [x9]
- Horrors of Tzeentch [x9]
- Predator tank #1
- Predator tank #2
- Predator tank #3
- Rhino transport #1
- Rhino transport #2
- Lord of Change, Greater Daemon
- Daemonvessel
- Warhammer 40,000: Death Guard (Me) - for Liber Animus 2007
- Nurgle Dreadnaught
- Possessed Plaguemarines [x7]
- Warmachine:Protectorate of Menoth (Me)
- Feora, Protector of the Flame, Epic Warcaster
- Grand Scrutator Severius, Warcaster
- Avatar Heavy Warjack
- Vanquisher Heavy Warjack
- Revenger Light Warjack
- Revenger Light Warjack
- Devout Light Warjack
- Temple Flameguard Spearmen + Command [x12]
- Daughters of the Flame [x6]
- Zealots + Monolith Bearer [x11]
- Choir of Menoth [x5]
- Solo: High Paladin Vilmon
- Solo: Reclaimer
- Solos: Wrack [x3]
- Mercenary Solo: Rupert Corvalo, Piper of Ord
- Miscellaneous
- Skarre, Queen of the Broken Coast (Epic Warcaster), for Scott
- Elf ranger (Grenadier miniatures)