Also disappointed that he's joining the NKOTBSB tour, especially since he had previously announced his own tour. I'm guessing album/ticket sales were not going well, so he's abandoning his "not a Glee album" stance and just pandering to his only audience. Which I can't fault, but I'm also not going to pay for. I was never a fan of NKOTB or BSB, so while I was still noodling trying to get a ticket to one of the SoCal shows to fly down to, I will definitely not be paying for the NKOTBSB tour, also featuring Matt. The album's not bad and I really enjoy him performing, but yeah. Disappointed.
I just found out that due to the change in the touring plans, the show in Toronto is off. I'm heartbroken, but I'm not going to give up supporting this extremely talented man
I'm sorry :( I was only excited for half a second because I thought perhaps the other tour might be coming to Northern California, but they aren't either. I'm enjoying the album, but won't be seeing him live. It's too bad because I think he'd be great on stage. Oh well!
I got the word from Ticketmaster today that the show in Toronto is just postponed, not cancelled. I'm going to hang on to the tickets I have in case a make-up date is announced
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