More cleaned up sketch work. Again, this one is ones of the 'done on the plane from Seattle' (it was on the back of my boarding pass). Denmark is... Ugh. Bad chibi. But it's cute.
Title: Dat Family
Author: MorriganFearn
Rating: PG
Characters: Iceland, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Puffin
Genre: FLUFF
Pairings: It's assumed that you're okay with IcelandxLicorice, DenNor, and SuFin
Summary: Iceland gets ambushed by the rest of his family while on a walk with Puffin.
I live for moments like this (and liver claiming, but that's not the point. FLUFF FOREVER!). Iceland was meant to be sorta smiling in the last panel, but something seems to have happened, just as Puffin isn't colored in. Herp derp.