Media: Fic
Title: Solar Winds (Avatar: The Last Airbender Fusion, 64/?)
Rating: PG-13 for innuendo, swearing, violence.
Spoilers: None for either series that I am aware of.
Warnings: None.
Word Count: ~9600
Summary: When a usurper sets eyes on the Fire Nation throne, Avatar Kurt and friends find themselves on the run with the deposed Prince Blaine in a
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Comments 3
"…no," Sebastian says, squinting at him.
...I DIED.
But anyways, the way you're integrating Sebastian into this story is just flawless. And Finn's bit of the story? I burst out laughing so hard that my sisters started to stare at me.
And the ending. Damn. That was really intense...I can't wait to see where this goes next! (hopefully in the direction of Artie?)
On top of the fact that we're having heavy snowfall which has turned London white (and made me giddier than a 5 year old on sugar) there's also a new chapter of Solar Winds?
And I will properly comment once I have read said chapter. Although I may save that for the morning when I'm actually more than half-awake.
Amd the ending. Ack. I am slightly concerned about the potential break-up of Klaine at some stage in the near future...but then again, I knew that was a possible risk seeing as we're talking about the Avatar and the future Fire Lord.
I shall just sit here and try to be as patient as possible for the next chapter, ok?
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