May 21, 2009 20:14
So, I really am writing the next chapter of LitToS. For serious. But, I have precisely four days of school left this semester if you don't count the weekend (and I don't. I so don't.) and a lot of my usual writing time has been eaten up by must-pass-this-class time. Always fun. Chapter 15 is coming. Just slower than I'd like. This would be me apologizing for the delay and stuff. Also, sick Der and distraught Mer are kinda draining characters to write, so, um, it's not my fault?
However, I did have an idea to appease you lovely people who are nice enough to read my fic when I do get around to posting it. Ah...I have lots and lots of scraps of Grey's fics that I abandoned without finishing, one very depressing, angsty S4 oneshot without a happy ending, and one very dirty, angsty post S2 oneshot that I've never posted here. And I could post some/all/none of them if people are interested in reading. I wrote them awhile back so they might be rather crappy compared to how I write now because I like to tell myself I improve at things. Ha. But yes, this is my question. It's going to be at least a few days before I can get up the next LitToS chapter, so would you like to read any of the things in my crappy grab bag of fic in the mean time? Scraps of fic strike me as possibly unfulfilling, however, dirty, porny oneshots are always good, right?
Also, I'm having a sudden, intense desire to write a oneshot where both Izzie and George die and everything is wrong with the world. Somebody PLEASE tell me this is a HORRIBLE IDEA and to stay far, far away from it.
Also, also? SCHOOL? Please stop kicking my ass, k??
grey's anatomy,
we're adults: when did that happen?,
wip talk