The Soul in Deep Distress (Sherlock)

Mar 13, 2012 12:57

Apologies for my long silence! RL became very, very busy all of a sudden. \o/

Title: The Soul in Deep Distress
Author: Morgan Stuart
Fandom: Sherlock
Disclaimer: This universe does not belong to me; I'm just an appreciative visitor. I make no profit from this fan work.
Description: John Watson knows who is the true soldier of Baker Street.
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sherlock, 221b (sherlock)

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Comments 54

litlover12 March 13 2012, 17:01:20 UTC
Awwww. Lovely.


morganstuart March 14 2012, 00:15:07 UTC
Oh, thank you so much!


impishtubist March 13 2012, 17:02:22 UTC
Very sweet. Lovely.


morganstuart March 14 2012, 00:15:28 UTC
I'm so glad you liked this! Thank you so much, my dear.


maggie_conagher March 13 2012, 17:09:32 UTC
OH, I have missed you. I bookmarked you on AO3 last night and MISSED your writing, seeing it all laid out there.

I'm going to wear this 221B today like a vest.

Welcome back!


morganstuart March 14 2012, 00:17:07 UTC
Oh, I've missed you, too! Thanks so much for your lovely and heartening words. I appreciate your kindness so much, my friend! Hugs to you!


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morganstuart March 14 2012, 00:18:21 UTC
Oh, thank you so much my friend! *hugs you* I really appreciate it! I've missed you, and I plan to catch up ASAP...

All's well, just ridiculously busy at the moment. I do see the light at the end of the tunnel, though.

Thanks again for your kind and supportive words!


belleferret March 13 2012, 17:29:11 UTC
Oh this makes me weep. John, ever the healer, rouses himself from his grief only to tend to another similarly grief-stricken.


morganstuart March 14 2012, 00:19:12 UTC
Oh, my dear! *hugs you* I'm so glad you found this to be moving. Thanks as always for your beautiful and kind words. You're the best!


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