I think I have a winner for most annoying news story today:
Men with sexist views 'earn more' (no really, that's the headline and it's an accurate reflection of the article *sighs* I mean you read it and you can sort of see why it makes sense but WOW it's depressing)
On the otherhand today started with me reading
After Ellen's Emmy review and
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Comments 8
The Czech cover of Good Omens
The Train Pirates episode of The Wrong Door (especially the stelth suit skit around the 22.30 mark - sometimes I love British TV)
Connotations next week! (There is a State Within fic in the zine *tempt*)
The Train Pirates were kind of genius, did you see the one where they went to a sort of LOTR/Narnia world version of Ikea and couldn't get out... The Wrong Door seems to do completely hysterical sketches followed by slightly meh ones but on balance it's good I think.
Thank you!
The train pirates were genius although I really liked the birdaplanes. The Nanjia skit was very funny. I think like any sketch show there are some that work and some that don't and so far with The Wrong Door they have had hit way more than they have missed. Thursday is such a good night for comedy :-)
I kind of lvoe the Superhero tryouts as well, particualrly the fact that it actually is Doctor Fox.
I've got a feeling that's more likely than the implication that feminist men are somehow "beta males" who aren't ambitious at work.
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