It was a long time ago! I didn't see it, but I saw the equivalent all-women "Taming of the Shrew" which was seriously wonderful, and the only thing I've actually been to at the Globe.
They used to do a lot of all-male/all-female casts when Mark Rylance was director. And a lot more really very accurate "original pratices" performances too.
I love what the Globe does now- a lot of it is hugely imaginative- but I do miss having those op performances.
I'm well excited! I can see them both! (if they both happen obvs) and not judge them on previous performances! (aside from previous prodcutions of Twelfth Night, obvs) it's awesome awesome news!
LOL I will totally be using you as less biased quality control jsyk :P
I should see Jerusalem again really- I'm being SO BAD about the whole having less money shortly thing but maybe by the time it comes I'll have another job?
Comments 5
I love what the Globe does now- a lot of it is hugely imaginative- but I do miss having those op performances.
I should see Jerusalem again really- I'm being SO BAD about the whole having less money shortly thing but maybe by the time it comes I'll have another job?
It is entirely possible that you will! It's all futureness that we don't know of yet *nod*
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