Happy (?) Thursday everyone.
It does at least appear to be sunny outside? *watches it cloud over as she types* oh well.
I keep trying to think of a sensible way to start this post but I really can't be bother- have an assortment of pictures that are making me happy at the moment.
(very picture heavy obviously, and a few gifs too *g*)
Being Human, Adam Lambert, Inception, Tennis, Cycling and Harry Potter )
Comments 30
IDEK I hope their are more Garmin kisses! I mean their guy is in the lead! HTC have hugs, Garmin have kisses... I need to get myself a Cap/Christian icon!
I hope so too, Svein might start to feel left out if he's not on the receiving end of some! Garmin do seem to be leading the way in team kisses so they should definitely keep it up. That's always a good idea. I think there needs to be more Garmin fic.
Poor Svein :-( his teammates have been being nice about him but I'm sure he'll feel left out without kisses. There absolutely should be more Garmin fic! I should really put up that other half of the challenge and put ALL cyclists other than Garmin ones on the banned list :P
And yay for JGL.
( ... )
Awww he's so happy.
And whether you did or not you should read this ONTD post and watch the two videoes:
Looks like JGL is set to sing and dance his way to the big screen.
Is that a new bit of plot, or did I just miss that bit in the book?
The lighting does look odd but there are more pictures and I just can't imagine why anyone would shop them THERE
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