"A safe place is fantastic, but my real concern is what happens in real life. Does the butterfly soul understand that fannish validation is bound by fandom and that they may not be able to replicate that kind of feedback in real life......
"....I think a lot of people don't notice how broad and long term the effects of fandom's existence.....really are. There is a generation of published authors that have come out of fandom, and right now a new generation is
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The year was 1986, and Star Wars fans were discussing their changing fandom, the impact of commercialization on fandom and the role of fandom in general. The widespread adoption of the Internets was still 10 years in the future. [They continued] the discussion on the sometimes differences between writing-for-pro and writing-for-fun. I think the
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post-security: public Posted in full at: http://ift.tt/1XUzoB0 at December 08, 2015 at 07:32PM
To to anon who contacted me about orphaning work at AO3: I am not AO3 Abuse nor do I know much about AO3’s orphaning policies. I only know what I read online and what I’ve had seen in fandom over the years.