Fanzine Listings (updated)

Jun 23, 2024 17:05

Update: April 15, 2013: The bulk of the fanzine information has been moved to Fanlore, the fan run wiki. You can access Fanlore's home page here.
If you're looking for a list of fanzines by fandom, this is what I have so far:

Place of Honor:  Starsky & Hutch. Pepper has compiled the most amazing and complete ( Read more... )

fanlore, fanlove, fandom, fanzine

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Comments 14

lauramcewan June 24 2009, 00:31:42 UTC



morgandawn June 24 2009, 00:39:14 UTC
she also rolls. I just used her info to update my fanzine list.very easy to navigate


lauramcewan June 24 2009, 00:41:20 UTC
it's a great list, and so is the S&H Compendium, where she lists just about *everything* there is to know about S&H.

I'm following on the Zinelist - wow, so cool to see all those zine listings.


scarlett_o July 18 2009, 17:24:15 UTC
I'm not sure if this counts for what you're doing, but awhile back I created (with some friends) hell_quarterly for Supernatural. It was designed as an online PDF 'zine that could be downloaded and printed. It's slash and gen and has art. There were 3 editions, all still available for download.


morgandawn July 18 2009, 18:11:44 UTC
yes, eZines are fine. I'll add them to the SPN list.

I only found 2 issues. Do you have the link to the third?


scarlett_o July 18 2009, 18:18:35 UTC
Here are the links to all 3.

I never managed to get the sidebar updated, but there are links to all three at the top of the most recent post of the comm.


morgandawn July 18 2009, 19:07:22 UTC


slashpervert October 27 2010, 06:49:38 UTC
Now I know where to leave my fanzines in my will. I've been scanning them to pdf as well. I have a collection of Star Trek, Star Wars, and various other fandom zines from the 70s. I also was the publisher of a fanzine turned semi-prozine then. The first slashfic I ever read was Kirk/Spock and I still have several of those zines.


morgandawn October 27 2010, 15:17:28 UTC
I've started parting with a few duplicates and less favorites along with my fanzine flyers to donate them to the fanzine archives. If they have comb binding, I can scan them to pdf, rebind them and donate those too. I'll be at Bascon collecting donations.

my first slash zine was actually a pre-slash gen zine "Spock Enslaved" (who could resist that cover?)

waves hello - I had no idea you were local!


galadriel13 November 30 2015, 21:36:14 UTC
What an awesome list. Thank you for putting this up.

I looked at the QL zine list one, and it goes nowhere. They Wayback Machine can't find the page either. If I find something, I'll let you know. I have most of the QL slash zines in existance, and I'm listing them. But I have maybe half of all QL gen zines in existance. So I can't make a full list.
This is the closest to a list I know of.

Thank you for all the other lists, I have yet to paruse them. I didn't even KNOW there were so many SPN zines! Wow!!! Happy!!



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