Permissions Post!

Apr 14, 2019 05:48


When it comes to interacting with others, Hikaru and Kaoru tend to do things as a set. They finish each other's sentences, speak in unison, and are generally quite obnoxious. While this is, canonically, the way they choose to interact with the majority of people, we completely understand that not everyone wants both twins butting into their posts.

(For reference: in an RP setting, this behavior would be translated as a lot of two or three-part comments: one left by one twin, one by another. Lots and lots of chains.)

If you'd prefer to not have the twins ganging up on your character's posts, please let us know using the form below! Alternately, if you have no problem with these chains, let us know that, too!

Re: Threadjacking
Name: [your name here]
Character(s): [list your characters, as well as their journals]
Threadjacking: [Yes? No? Let us know!]


In order to appeal to as many girls as possible, each member of the Host Club played up different traits. For Hikaru and Kaoru, one of these traits was their "brotherly love". Due to them being quite genre-savvy (and due to much of the canon being one big parody), the end result was a faux-incestuous act full of sparkly stares orchestrated to make their fangirls shriek.

More often than not, these acts crop up at fairly random times, though it's always while an audience is present. They typically follow along the lines of Hikaru saying something rather questionable, Kaoru blushing and making it sound more questionable, and a long sparkly stare to follow. Although they are indeed acting, intentionally playing up popular "seme" and "uke" stereotypes, we completely understand that the idea of this -- even in jest -- falls well outside many people's comfort zones.

Therefore! If you would prefer for us to avoid any instances of Hikaru and Kaoru putting on this act while threading with your characters, please don't hesitate to let us know! There's even a convenient form for you to fill out.

(This form can also be used for those who have a specific character you'd like us to avoid doing this with, even if you're fine with others.)

Re: Faux-"Twincest"
Name: [your name here]
Character(s): [list the characters you'd like us to avoid doing this to, as well as their journals]
Any other notes?: [Have them? Put them here!]

!permissions post

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