Why are you so beautiful and wonderful and causing me to utterly forget sleep and stay on Tumblr reading and looking at everything for this glorious fandom.
I've been looking for more Rory. There seems to be a lot of Amy playing matchmaker with Dean and Cas, the Doctor and Cas being bros, and entirely not enough Rory, argh. It can be excused because Superwho is relatively new and needs more Rory fans involved. Then it will be splendid.
I am so sad I totally missed yesterday's meet up, but I probably wouldn't have been able to show up anyway, I was out hunting for pokemon toys all day yesterday with a friend omg ;___;
/wants to hang out with you again sometime!!
on another note do you have a tumblr i can stalk ......
Yes XD A lot of my college friends are into the new Pokemon games, so!
Baww we should totally hang out and watch them together instead (: I watched Stonehenge Apocalypse with my british friend XD he thought it was pure gold. And I did watch My Bloody Valentine as you suggested... Now Jensen haunts my nightmares XD
I don't actually post much on tumblr >_> I lurk on there too much.
You have a British friend? In your possession? Like in the flesh where I could kidnap stalk him and just listen to him talk? (I don't have an accent thing noooo) Mmmmm, My Bloody Valentine. My dreams may be haunted indeed, but damn, they've never looked so good. 8D
Wait...your profile says you inhabit Kent. If so, we are practically neighbours!
Comments 10
Enjoying your Rory marathon? :)
Looks at my new icon!! =)
/wants to hang out with you again sometime!!
on another note do you have a tumblr i can stalk ......
Dude, I brought movies with Jensen/Jared/Misha in them for you to borrow if you hadn't seen them. ;__; I vant to see you!
Nope, I'm not on Tumblr. What I am on takes up enough time as is. I might stalk yours though...
Baww we should totally hang out and watch them together instead (: I watched Stonehenge Apocalypse with my british friend XD he thought it was pure gold. And I did watch My Bloody Valentine as you suggested... Now Jensen haunts my nightmares XD
I don't actually post much on tumblr >_> I lurk on there too much.
Wait...your profile says you inhabit Kent. If so, we are practically neighbours!
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