In the spirit of trying to get more John/Elizabeth and John/Teyla fic on LiveJournal...
Behind Every Strong Man, There's At Least One Strong Woman
A John, Elizabeth, and Teyla Ficathon
1) Signup as a comment to this entry following the template by 8/15/2006.
2) Assignments will be out via email no later than 8/17/2006.
3) Stories are due no later than midnight your time on 10/01/2006. That gives you 44 days in which to write.
Signup template:
1) Your name:
2) Your email address: (this is how assignments will be handed out)
3) Your livejournal: (you need one to post your story to the comm)
4) Four requests: (see below)
5) No more than four things you are not willing to write: (all attempts will be made to match up the most compatible writers, but I can't guarantee that *all* of the requests you get will be things you can write)
Request guidelines:
1) At least one of your four requests must be for a gen or character study piece about either John, Elizabeth, or Teyla.
2) Want to request a threesome? Go for it, as long as it starts with either John/Elizabeth or John/Teyla, but please don't request more than one.
3) Don't care about pairings? Prompts and scenarios by themselves are good.
4) Crossovers are accepted but please keep it to one request.
Example signup:
- Amitee
- amitee.dee @ gmail...
amitee- 1) John/Elizabeth on the Dedaelus, 2) Teyla on Earth (gen), 3) John/Teyla/Ronon not explicit, 4) John/Teyla off-world with Teyla trying to teach John to enjoy nature
- I don't want to write: NC-17 or any extreme kinks.
Posting guidelines will follow. Please friend this community if you sign up for the ficathon so that you don't miss any information.
Questions? amitee.dee @ (or leave a comment)
Comments will be screened as not to give away anyone's requests.