Jack had a real run tomorrow, so today was just a test flight. Make sure all the systems were operational, thrusters and grav working properly, and the transport beam functioning right. And then there was the cloak. Everything needed to be prime and up to speed for Oublie, and nothing got the bugs out of the system like doing something that
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"You know, I'm not an expert or whatever, but doesn't it usually help to br at the place you're trying to rob?" Logan asked quietly and casually.
I step up behind Logan, hovering close, chin almost resting on his shoulder. "Yeah, but we gotta get everything in order first. Right, Jack?" I smirk.
Once his inspection was done, he turned back around and grinned. "Welcome to The Rose, boys. Come on in, we've got specs to discuss," he said, motioning them to the hatch.
"What do you need to know?"
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