This is a video of Life Journey passing the time on the train from Changsha to Beijing with an acoustic guitar and some conversation. It's all very laid-back. I watched the entire 38 minutes of it the other night and had to go straight to bed afterwards haha. It was very relaxing.
One funny highlight for me came around the 6 minute mark when a member of Perdel came by to borrow a cup and everyone started singing Is This Love?, (a popular Perdel song). As soon as the door was shut again, they immediately went back to their own song.
Another part I found amusing was at 19:12 when they improvised a Chinese version of Our Memory Is Free. It's one of their new songs and the English lyrics are funny enough. They changed "Hey hey pretty lady!" to "Hey hey 漂亮阿姨 (pretty auntie)!
EDIT: Yes! I finally figured out what song they're playing at 33:35. It's 我不想失去你 I Don't Want To Lose You by 新裤子 New Pants. Ah relief.
我不想失去你 I Don't Want To Lose You by 新裤子 New Pants