The Original Series
Gen Recs
Title: Daybreak
eponymous_roseRating: PG
Warnings: None
Length: ~ 1,349 words
Genre: Gen
Main Character(s)/Pairing(s): Kirk, Spock, McCoy
Summary: And, together, they find echoes of home among the stars.
Why you should read it: ”Smirking, Bones rubbed his bemittened hands together. "Oh, don't get me wrong - sun's all well and good, but sometimes you just can't beat a white Christmas."
Kirk grinned. "Spoken like someone who's never had to clear snow off the front porch when it was twenty below."
"Fascinating," Spock said, and lapsed into silence. Kirk shot him a long-suffering glance, and he continued, obediently. "As you're no doubt aware, the climate on Vulcan is fairly uniform - I merely find the dramatic differences between your experiences to be an interesting example of the volatile meteorology of Earth."”
DaybreakRecommended by:
ecto-gammat Title: Storyteller, Diplomacy, Dreams, Feelings, and Introspection
merfillyRating: PG
Warnings: None
Length: 125, 240, 133, 172, and 118 words, respectively
Genre: Gen
Main Character(s)/Pairing(s): Uhura, Chekov, Sulu, Spock, and Kirk, respectively
Summary: None
Why you should read it: These are a set of drabbles that provide a fantastic character study in less than 250 words.
Part One: Storyteller, Diplomacy;
Part Two: Dreams, Feelings, and IntrospectionRecommended by:
Slash Recs
Het Recs
All recs are listed in alphabetical order by title.