Comic!Verse Member Recs
Gen Recs
Title: Correspondence
xenokattzRating: PG-13
Warnings: Character Death (temporary)
Length: approximately 2,000 words
Genre: Slice of Life
Main Character(s)/Pairings(s): Kon, Lois
Summary: Lois exchanges letters with Superboy in the midst of the Infinity Crisis.
Why you should read it: it:Kon is one of my favorite comic characters and I have made Lois's letters to him during the Infinity Crisis part of my personal canon. Very moving.
CorrespondenceRecommended By:
jlvsclrk Slash Recs
Title: Puppy Love, or, the Dog Prince
jijRating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Length: 5,300 words
Genre: Schmoop
Main Character(s)/Pairing(s): Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, Mr. Mxyzptlk
Summary: Mr. Mxyzptlk decides Superman needs a he turns him into a dog, with the stipulation that Clark is stuck like that until his beloved recognizes him and calls him by his birth name.
Why you should read it: "Superman was not in a very good mood. He'd been arguing with Lois again, Perry was on his back about deadlines, and he had just finished a three-hour JLA meeting in which Batman had undermined every damn decision he had tried to make. Oh, he had made it look like he was just "raising objections," but Superman knew he was enjoying making him look stupid in front of all the other League members. And now to come home to Metropolis and find Mxyzptlk floating above the city, absent-mindedly juggling carp...he was in no mood to wait until Mxy made up his mind what capricious feat to pull off this time. He snarled at the silly imp in front of him and grabbed again."
Puppy Love, or, the Dog PrinceRecommended by:
ecto-gammat Het Recs
All recs are listed in alphabetical order by title.