Icon requests #2!

Feb 13, 2008 01:16

I like having icon requests to do because they challenge me to do things I wouldn't normally. When I get tired of iconing my usual things it's fun to change things up.

SO! Icon requests part 2! Pretty much the same rules as last time, as long as you don't mind a wait for them!

Some guidelines/restrictions:
♥ You must provide me with images (yes, more than one, please!), as high-quality as possible OR link me to where I can find those images (a specific post, not just a comm/forum, please). There's no creativity or flexibility in iconing an image that's 200x300 or of similar dimensions so I must insist that the images be AS HIGH QUALITY AS POSSIBLE. Pretty, pretty please!
♥ No manips or animation. I don't do them well.
♥ You can request text but I can't guarantee it on the icon.
♥ I won't do Veronica/Logan, Brian/Michael, bandom/popslash icons, sorry. It's nothing personal, I just really dislike iconing those subjects. There might be more, but that's why it's easier to give me more images to work with.
♥ All icons will be shareable so I won't be personalizing any.

I won't guarantee a certain number of icons but if you provide me with more than one image odds are you're getting more than one. I prefer to have more than one to work with in case some don't work out.

As long as you have some good images I'm willing to at least attempt to icon anything/one. Movies, TV shows, celebs, whatever. Just leave a nice image and I'll run with it. I'm most comfortable iconing things I've done before, obviously, so just check out the posts/user info for those if you're curious.

Please don't hotlink your images from galleries/other sources (unless it's my own). By the time I get to them they might be gone/there could be hotlink protection/hotlinking is bad.

Image sources

** My caps list, updated and with a lot of galleries
** Image sources from my resource post
** cap_it
** fashion_screen

Feel free to save a spot to go find images, although that's probably not necessary. I'll close the post if/when I feel I have enough/too many. Feel free to tell friends about this.

! maker: marishna, ! mod post: requests

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