Title: Evidence
Author: Moraya (
Pairing: Viggo/Orlando
Rating: NC-17 (overall)
Warnings: angst
Summary: Orlando has done something incredibly stupid.
Disclaimer: If this would be true, this story wouldn't be the first place you read about it. In other words, it's pure fiction.
Feedback: Is loved very much!
A/N: Present/future time fic. Not sure when exactly, the boys didn't tell me so far, but it's either now or in a not so far future. Doesn't matter that much though.
tulariaDedicated to
bwitched83uk for helping me to flesh this bunny out and believing in me. I love you, hon *snuggles*
Chapter 1 |
Chapter 2 |
Chapter 3 Chapter 4
A few hours later, Orlando was busy throwing his stuff into a travel bag. When he had come back home, he had hovered next to the phone for half an hour, trying to decide if he should call his agent and tell her that he would be out of town for a few days. In the end, he had decided not to call, Viggo's words still ringing in his ears. They always knew where he was, whether he was working or on vacation. But the free days where his, right? No one really needed to know where exactly he was, and besides, it wasn't as if Viggo wouldn't have a phone on his ranch. At least Orlando thought he needed to have one there.
So he had tried to sleep a few hours, the long night finally beginning to wear him down. When he woke up again after only two hours, he'd showered and begun to drag stuff out of his drawers, throwing jeans, t-shirts and other clothes into the bag, not really caring what ended up in it. He closed the zip after retrieving the mandatory toiletries out of the bathroom, and squeezing them into the last empty spaces. Hauling the travel bag into the hall, he put it next to the door.
Now, all he had to do was wait for Viggo to show up. They hadn't agreed on a specific time, so that could happen anytime from right the next minute to two hours from now. Orlando looked around, trying to think of anything to do to occupy himself. There wasn't anything that needed to be done.
When Sidi poked his nose against his knee and looked up on him, Orlando realized that neither the dog nor he had eaten breakfast yet. And while he might not be hungry at all, Sidi certainly needed to eat. He went into the kitchen, Sidi trailing behind him as he took the dog food out and put some into the bowl.
Orlando sat down on the table, fumbling a cigarette out of the packet, and watched his dog happily wolfing down his food as he lit up and inhaled deeply. Out of the corner of his eyes he saw a packet sitting on the table, half hidden under a magazine. On its own, his unoccupied hand reached out and dragged the packet closer, the magazine sliding dangerously close to the edge of the table and then falling down, hitting the floor with a thud, unnoticed.
He didn't take it into his hand, just left it sitting close to him, fingers absentmindedly drawing circles on the covering. It had been opened before, the wrapping didn't fit anymore, and he flipped one finger against an overhanging edge.
Why hadn't he put it away? He really should, there was no reason for it lying on his kitchen table, out in the open where everyone could find it. He really should put it away. Gripping the packet, Orlando stood up.
The sound of the doorbell and a barking Sidi - who apparently intended to greet the person on the other side of the door before Orlando had even opened it - stopped the train of thought for where to hide the unwanted packet. Not wanting Viggo to see it, he pushed it into the first available place: the open side pocket of his travel bag.
* * * * *
They had stopped shortly after leaving the suburban areas of greater Los Angeles behind them, letting Sidi run around and stretching their legs. Orlando had asked Viggo how long the trip would take, the answer shocking him a bit. He still wasn't used to the dimensions of the States.
They had discussed staying at a motel for the coming night, but eventually agreed on just taking turns driving. Back on the road again, it was Orlando who sat behind the wheel, and it could have felt like a road trip, had there been music and laughter and general silliness. There was some music from the radio, but the rest was missing.
They had tension though, both knowing what they wanted to talk about, yet dreading it at the same time. So instead Viggo pointed out sights along the road, telling stories about them, and Orlando nodded and hmm'ed. It was civil, it was polite, it wasn't them.
Dinner consisted of things that Viggo bought in a convenience store along the road while Orlando threw sticks for Sidi to return on the side of the parking lot. They ate in the car, having switched driver again, the dog happily curled up on the backseat and snoring slightly. Time was precious, and there was still a long way before them.
Having eaten his share, Orlando leaned his head against the cold window, looking out at quickly passing surroundings that slowly got harder to see. It would be dark soon, he could already see his mirror image in the glass.
"Try to get some sleep, I'll wake you when I'm getting tired," Viggo said, startling Orlando.
He looked over to the driver seat, then leaned back against the cool surface of the window. "Hmm," he agreed before closing his eyes.
It was silent in the car now, only the noise of passing vehicles, Sidi's snores and their breathing audible, sometimes joined by a soft thud when they drove over some bumps in the road and Orlando's head thumped against the window. Finally, he shifted, leaning back against the seat, but it still wasn't getting any easier to fall asleep.
He pretended to himself so, keeping his eyes closed, and hoped that his body would finally give up and let sleep claim him. Orlando didn't notice the glances Viggo threw at him from time to time.
* * * * *
It was nearing dawn when Orlando woke up. The car was parked under some trees and was, except for him, empty, the driver's door slightly open. Sleepily he rubbed a hand over his eyes, the blanket that had covered him sliding into his lap.
Puzzled, Orlando pushed the cover off himself, and got out of the car, looking around for its other two passengers. He finally found them some way into the woods surrounding the place they'd stopped for a break. There was a small creek and Viggo had apparently used its water to wash up and was now brushing his teeth; Sidi by his side was sloppily drinking from it.
His dog noticed him first and came running up to him, barking. Orlando crouched down and patted his head absentmindedly, watching Viggo out of the corner of his eyes finishing to brush his teeth and turning around to him, smiling.
"Good morning," Viggo said.
"Morning," Orlando replied and smiled back. He stood up and stretched. "Why did you let me sleep all night? I thought we were gonna switch again."
"You needed the sleep more than I," Viggo answered. "Want some breakfast?"
"Yeah. Do we have anything left from yesterday?"
"I stopped at a diner a few miles ago and bought us something," Viggo said and started walking back to the car.
Orlando followed him, looking back to make sure that Sidi was on his trail. "Where are we anyway?" he asked when they reached the car and Viggo took some styrofoam containers from the backseat and handed Orlando one along with a bottle of water.
"Somewhere in Oregon," Viggo said before opening his container and digging in.
Orlando pushed the lid of his container off and looked skeptically at a portion of over easy eggs and toast. Deciding to have a go at it, he tried a bit. It wasn't too bad. He put the container on the car roof, stealing glances at Viggo while eating.
* * * * *
Viggo had dozed the next few hours while Orlando was once more driving, leaving him alone with only his thoughts most of the time. The silence was oppressive, the radio not helping, and Orlando wished Viggo wouldn't need the sleep. As tense as the drive had been on the previous day, it had been better than this.
When Viggo finally roused, it was almost noon and they switched drivers yet again after a short break. Orlando had no idea where they were by now, anticipating nothing more than finally arriving at Viggo's ranch. His back was killing him and sitting for hours in the confined space of a car was wreaking havoc on it.
"Are you okay?" Viggo asked, noticing the way Orlando was squirming and shifting in his seat.
"My back's aching," Orlando admitted. Viggo knew of his back problems, there wasn't any point in telling him he was fine when he wasn't.
Viggo grimaced. "Sorry, I had forgotten how bad the drive must be for you."
"'S fine."
"No, it's not," Viggo retorted and looked over at Orlando. "Do you have your pills with you? It's not that much longer now, I can drive the rest."
"Are you sure?"
Viggo nodded, eyes on the street as it made a turn.
"They're in my bag. In the boot."
"We'll stop at the next opportunity."
* * * * *
With the drugs in his system Orlando felt much better, if a bit hazy. But since he didn't have to drive anymore, hazy was fine. It was better than fine actually, since along with the aches in his back, the tension in the car had disappeared too. Or maybe he just couldn't feel it anymore, but that was fine too.
"Feeling better now?" Viggo asked, chuckling slightly at the content noise Orlando had just made as he leaned back in his seat.
"Oh yeah," Orlando sighed contentedly and shifted again.
"You're still squirming," Viggo noted, looking over at the young man.
"Just trying to get comfortable. Don't pay attention to me, keep your eyes on the road."
"Yes, sir." Viggo grinned, but obediently returned his eyes to the traffic.
Orlando nodded satisfied, and snuggled deeper into the car seat. A couch would be perfect now, or a bed, but the seat would have to do.
After a while Viggo started pointing out sights along the highway again, but this time it felt comfortable listening. Or, if Orlando was honest, letting himself be lulled in by Viggo's voice.
He didn't notice falling asleep, but he probably had, since the next thing he noticed was the car pulling up on a gravel driveway.
"We there?" Orlando murmured, trying to blink the sleep away.
Chapter 5