[for kitty] AUs Eat Brainz

Dec 07, 2008 20:20

[ooc: a long time ago in a state far away, shadowed_kat's mun and I created an alternate universe that we dragged into wherein somehow Kitty Pryde and Anakin Skywalker meet and fall for each other and...er, the rest is history. Some of that history can be found at au_eats_brains. Anyway, that was years ago, literally. We wanted to resurrect it. So we're starting anew with ( Read more... )

kitty, au eats brains

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prydeful December 8 2008, 17:37:06 UTC
"Um." Did I find the local tour guide by mistake? flashes into her head and makes her lips quirk once, quickly and involuntary.

"Not...exactly." And, since she's willing to bet she'd just be asked what that meant, "I know where I'm eventually ending up. And I know how to get there. It's the interim that's become a bit...extended."

Go go ninja lying skills! ...I'm going to kill Bobby for watching cartoons so often. Besides, it was true.

It was just...a heavily-edited and under-detailed version of the truth.

Which is still totally true, which she has reason to thank from a particularly uncomfortable lie-detector experience.

He doesn't look terribly dangerous or aggressive at the moment, and so she shifts enough to be (mostly) visible.

(Double note to self: pack more clothing that's as durable as your uniform, or you're going to end up unable to wear anything else.) One of her...borrowings, at least, over the past few days included something that's vaguely related to a robe, if one designed for someone far bigger and ( ... )


prydeful December 9 2008, 03:17:26 UTC
"Huh." Her head tilts for a moment and she pushes the hood (mostly back already) a bit more back as she studies him.

It seems awfully convenient, and that? Makes her nervous.

The universe is not known for making things easy on X-Men.

Still, at the moment, it's true: he's the best bet she currently has, and if nothing else it will give her some interaction, even if she ends up still doing all the work herself.

And it's not like she doesn't have a history of doing dumb things, so if this is one more...it probably won't kill her.

Kitty shrugs and shifts the hood back up. "Tell me when and I'll meet you here, then."


morally_cryptic December 9 2008, 03:20:26 UTC
That makes two of them.

He's calculating times in his head again. "Five hours from now?" Should, hopefully, be plenty of time. At least assuming what they were told about the dispute would actually be the case. Big assumption.

It is sort of reassuring she doesn't want to just tag along with him, though. That would be a little too easy.

[really need to get him more appropriate icons. *pokes them*]


prydeful December 9 2008, 03:24:40 UTC
[Boy do I know that feeling. *has been frustrated by lack of iconable images for a bit*]

Her head tilts, and then she smiles.

It's a real smile, if not a huge one. "You're actually serious. Okay. Five hours. I'll meet you here again."


morally_cryptic December 9 2008, 03:25:39 UTC
Anakin frowns a little at that, miffed by the implication. "Of course I'm serious. Why wouldn't I be?"


prydeful December 9 2008, 03:28:59 UTC
"Because you don't know me, you're going to have at least two entire types of technology to deal with that I feel safe saying you know nothing about, half of which I've already hacked at and modified from its original purpose, and you're taking the chance anyway. But I'm not objecting. Five hours and I'll be back here."


morally_cryptic December 9 2008, 03:33:35 UTC
That's what Anakin does. He's risked his life for people he didn't know anymore. This? This is much easier. So he just grins. "Five hours."

Annnd with a wave, he's turning away and back toward his appointment.


prydeful December 9 2008, 03:39:18 UTC
She waits until he's gone.

And then she's slips into the wall.

The time passes relatively quickly as she scans stalls and stores, though she finds nothing else that she can recognize as potentially helpful.

She walks back--through crowds, and in the normal way--to the alley about ten minutes early and settles on what she hopes is a sturdy crate.

Worse case scenario...well, probably will be bad, but she's hoping this will actually go well.


morally_cryptic December 9 2008, 03:42:31 UTC
He's late. Not too late. But definitely late. And visibly annoyed.

Well, at least the two factions weren't ready to like, start shooting each other or anything, but they were definitely neither interested in budging on their positions. He was going to be here a while.

"Sorry about that." It's automatic. Not extraordinarily sincere, but that's mostly because he's still making with the annoyance.


prydeful December 9 2008, 03:44:29 UTC
"Eh. You're cute, so I'll let you off with a warning," she deadpans, and then smiles. "It's not like I have anywhere else to be."

That she can get to, anyway.


morally_cryptic December 9 2008, 03:47:38 UTC
That gets her another grin. "Right. Shall we?"

He's even got a handy dandy landspeeder that was legitimately provided to him for his use while on-planet. It'll at least make getting through town faster.


prydeful December 9 2008, 04:02:53 UTC
"Do let's," she says with a crooked smile.

"You...have a hover car," she comments with a bemused voice once he's led her to the landspeeder.


morally_cryptic December 9 2008, 04:10:14 UTC
He shrugs and hops in, "we usually just call them speeders around here."

Hover car?


prydeful December 9 2008, 04:24:52 UTC
Her lips twitch involuntarily.

It's still a hover car.

And yes, she mocks the Fantastic Four for theirs.

"Right. I'm...driving, I guess." "Flying" seems a bit of a dramatic word for operating the ho--speeder.


morally_cryptic December 9 2008, 04:34:20 UTC
He raises his eyebrows at her, not moving from where he's already hopped into the driver's seat. "You're navigating."


prydeful December 9 2008, 04:42:29 UTC
Her eyes narrow.

And then she smiles, small and--a little bit--mischievous.

"If I navigate, you have to promise to follow all my directions."

This is not a smart idea. It is a good thing to hide one's capabilities. You do not need to give the nice guy who wants to help you a heart attack.

He won't let me drive, dammit.

"Or I drive."


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