Title: Smile And Nod (The Foreign Teeth Edition) (1/2)
Rating: PG-13 (language)
Fandom: Beast/2PM
Word Count: ~9700
Author's Notes: For
crossover_bbang. Thanks to my incredible beta
biases, who not only went through this for me right at the last minute, but cheered me on through the entire process. Couldn't have done it without you, Curt Unnie. ♥ Thank you also to
colr, mod extroadinaire, and my artist,
sadteeth. I think every piece of technology possible failed us, but we got there. :D
Summary: Doojoon has to be dreaming. He has to be, because things like this, they don't happen in real life. They happen in movies, and that's fine, because movies are movies, and he's just hallucinating, or something, and soon, he'll open his eyes, and he will absolutely, positively, not be in Ok Taecyeon's body.
Art 1 +
Art 2 +
There's a guest magician on Star King, and everyone, even Rain, is openly amazed at his talents. Not only does he suddenly appear on the stage in a cloud of white smoke, startling Heechul out of his nap, but he makes Kahi's shoes swap feet, makes an real, live chicken appear on Onew's lap, and makes Yoona's hair extensions completely disappear.
Kang Ho Dong is in his element, shouting and bouncing around excitedly and all the guests are so thankful for the distraction in what can otherwise be a harrowing ten-hour shoot that they find themselves becoming ridiculously involved in the show, most of them having the most genuine fun they've had in a long time.
During a break in filming, Doojoon glances at Taecyeon, who is sitting directly in front of him. He's being rather loud and obnoxious as he jokes around with Chansung, but no-one seems to care. He looks pretty happy, despite all the rumours, and Doojoon feels something weird in his stomach as he watches them both simulate the 10 Out Of 10 dance in their seats. It’s a feeling that isn’t unfamiliar to him, and even though it makes him feel dirty and awful and obnoxious, sometimes he just can't help that little seed of doubt that crawls its way into his mind, asking what if? and he can’t help but think-
That could've been him. He could have been a beastly idol. That could have been him, debuting, releasing hit after hit, winning all those awards, and he would have been happy with his friends, dancing and singing and laughing and-
"Doojoon-ah," Yoseob says from next to him, and Doojoon turns to see him looking at him innocently, his hair pulled into to pigtails by Hyunah next to him. "Does it suit me?"
Doojoon immediately hates himself. He struggles for composure, blinking and breathing before snaking an arm around Yoseob’s shoulders and grinning. He’s happy now. Beast is where he’s supposed to be. He’s a leader.
(He can never quite shake the sneaking suspicion that he would have been better-at their routines, at their vocals, at everything-than Taec, though.)
When the magician calls for volunteers, Doojoon is naturally one of the first to raise his hand, the idea of Beast missing out on any cool stuff far too much for him to endure. The magician ends up picking him and Taec, Seungho covering up a disappointed whine behind a cough, and they bow at each other on stage, exchanging stupid grins before also bowing at the magician.
The magician grins back, looking more than slightly creepy, in Doojoon's opinion, but he brushes that aside (he doesn't like clowns, either, so it must just be something to do with the circus?), letting himself be tied back-to-back with Taecyeon, before Jinwoon and Eli help lower a huge black cloth over them.
There's a few moments of darkness and silence in which Doojoon begins to feel very uncomfortable, doubting his ability to breathe, before the magician chants a few indefinable words and then Doojoon's world turns bright, sparkling and dazzling for a second only. The cloth is removed, and Doojoon is blinking at the studio, the other guests all gasping and cheering.
Jinwoon steps forward to untie them, beaming and gesturing at his torso, and Doojoon looks down to see an unfamiliar shirt. It's far too big, swimming on him, and when he steps back and turns around he sees Taecyeon's shirt is far too small, tight in all the wrong (or right, if he takes Jung Juri's reaction into account) places, and it's also… his.
"That's mine," he says, rather dumbly, pointing, and everyone bursts into laughter, Ho Dong applauding wildly and announcing a break. Once the cameras are off, Taecyeon claps him on the back, grinning broadly and they quickly change back, Doojoon only hiding behind his much more well-built friend a little bit. The magician, finished his segment, shakes both of their hands, and his skin is a little too warm. He gives Doojoon a meaningful look, squeezing his fingers hard, and Doojoon is about to ask him if anything's wrong before a PD announces there's a minute left, and the magician is gone.
It must be all the excitement that causes Doojoon to get a little lightheaded towards the end of the session, feeling hot and tired and generally rather awful, sucking on his water bottle, unable to stop his head from lolling around on his shoulders.
"Doojoon-ah, are you okay?" Yoseob whispers, leaning sideways when they finally have another break. Doojoon nods, because he is, of course he is, he's the leader, but he's finished his water and fuck, he's still so thirsty he feels as if the Han wouldn't be enough. Yoseob somehow realizes this and hands him his own bottle, which Doojoon grabs and greedily gulps from. "You don't look so good," Yoseob says uneasily, glancing to where Seung Gi and Amber seem to be teaching Ho Dong the 'Nu Abo' dance. "Should I tell the hyungs?"
Doojoon shakes his head. He just needs sleep, that's all, and that will come soon. The taping is nearly over, and then he just has to get through a few hours of practice-Beast and 2PM are doing a dance battle for a special stage the next day and they really need to rehearse for it-before he'll finally get some rest.
"Yah," he murmurs, in case, "just poke me if I fall asleep."
But Doojoon feels so sick after the taping that he has to the cancel the rest of his schedule, Jungoon-hyung accompanying him home so he can spend the night in bed. He sleeps fitfully for a few hours, until he hears the others come home, Yoseob creeping into the room, carefully not jostling the bunks and pulling himself into bed beside him.
Doojoon can feel Yoseob watching him, settling himself down with a bunch of pillows and his comforter, but he eventually falls asleep, and Doojoon rolls over to find him slumped over a giant white rabbit. He looks so cute that Doojoon doesn't have the heart to wake him even though he really, really needs another drink, his throat feeling so withered and raw it's like he's back in Africa, only worse.
Grunting, he slowly manages to lever himself out of bed, manoeuvring around the bedposts before lowering his feet to the floor and easing into a fully-standing position. God, it's hell, his head spinning and vibrating like Jo Kwon's up in there. He squeezes his eyes closed and clenches his fists, willing the nausea to go away. It doesn't, and soon enough, he needs to swallow and his throat again complains very clearly about its lack of moisture.
Doojoon grits his teeth and pushes forward, slipping through the small crack in the door and slowly making his way down the hall, leaning most of his weight against the wall. He makes it to the kitchen and navigates by touch, not daring to turn on a light. He feels around for the fridge door, fingers grasping metal, and he pulls, but it's the wrong handle and he's put too much strength into opening it and the force rattles the cupboard, dishes tumbling out.
The plates sound as if they are exploding, splintering apart as they smash into the counter and then the ground, and he throws himself backwards, away from the noise, but it keeps going, going until his brain turns to mush in his head, and then someone turns on the light, and grabs his arm, and they smell sickly sweet and it's like all his senses are being assaulted at once and he screams.
And then, all at once, everything stops. The sound fades, the light is turned off, the person steps away, and Doojoon can breathe again. He blinks his eyes open, slowly, and feels something round and smooth being pressed to his lips - a water bottle. He takes it and swallows hurriedly, like it will disappear unless he finishes it all straight away.
He hears a soft whisper. "Better?" It's Junhyung, and he can see, in the dim light near the window, Dongwoon.
He nods. "Bed," he croaks, and Junhyung indicates to Dongwoon, who approaches nervously, helping Junhyung pick him up. They take him to his room, gently helping him back up to his bed where Hyunseung tucks him in, and Kikwang hands Yoseob a giant Red Devils water bottle, which he tucks into the corner of the bed. Junhyung closes the door softly and they all climb back into their beds, and after a moment it's quiet again, Doojoon's own heavy breathing the only sound as sleep finally comes to him.
Doojoon would be lying if he said he’d never had a dream about being in 2PM, because of course he has, night after night for what felt like years, his mind going back to his training days, scenes from Hot Blood replaying like he’s a coach going through losing games for plays he could have done differently, for things he did wrong. He’s come a long way since, but he’s still ‘that guy who didn’t make it’, the ‘leader of the loser band’, and whatever successes Beast has in the future, whatever they achieve on their own merits, through their own efforts, he knows he’ll always compare them to 2PM and what they have, without him.
But when he wakes up from his water-deprived coma to find someone calling his name and shaking his shoulders, and that someone is Lee Junho and that name being called is 'Taec', he knows he must be imagining things. And then he immediately feels guilty again, because Beast is the most amazing thing that's ever happened to him, but then that he reverts directly to annoyance, because, knowing his bandmates, this is all Dongwoon's doing. (It isn’t the first time he's woken Doojoon up wearing a mask, although last time, it was a much less friendly face, as he'd used a cutout of an orc from Lord of the Rings. The memory of it still makes him shudder.)
"Stop it, Dongwoon," he complains, pushing the boy away and rolling over.
"Taecyeon-hyung?" Pretend-Junho sounds a mixture of hurt and concerned, and Doojoon is impressed-he never realized Dongwoon was such a good actor. "Are you feeling better now? We let you sleep in…"
Doojoon sighs, realizing Dongwoon just isn't going to quit, and turns back, coming face-to-face with Dongwoon-Junho's shiny paper face. "Yah, Dongwoon-ah," he says, and for a moment is impressed by how deep his morning-voice sounds. If only it was like that all of the time. "Please stop wearing those stupid masks. You're the maknae but you aren't a child, ne?" He reaches out to grab Dongwoon's mask, but comes directly into contact with skin. He frowns, pinching the cheeks, and this paper is amazing because not only does it feel like skin, it's warm like skin, too.
"Yah, Dongwoon-ah. Where did you get this paper from?"
Dongwoon-Junho just frowns at him, leaning back as Doojoon sits upright in bed, wide awake now, amazed at Dongwoon's ingenuity. He runs his hands over his dongsaeng's face, through his hair, down his neck, and as his feet come into contact with the floor…
Wait, the floor? Isn't he in bed? Which is the top bunk? Which is…
Doojoon freezes.
"Taecyeon-hyung," Real-Junho says, frowning, "are you sure you're alright?"
Doojoon jerks backwards, slamming into the wall, gaping as Wooyoung comes in.
"I brought you some breakfast," he says, placing down a bowl of cereal. "Technically it's past lunch time, though, you know. Lazy bastard." And he smiles and leaves again, exchanging a whispered conversation with Nichkhun in the hallway, who looks relieved and cheesily gives him the 'okay' sign before they both continue on together. Chansung pops his head in, grinning at Doojoon before grabbing a piece of banana from his bowl and slipping back out again, and he can hear Junsu's singing drifting down the corridor.
Doojoon looks helplessly at Junho, who is watching him concernedly. "Hyung, you still don't feel good, do you? Lay back down, I'll-"
But Doojoon shoves him out of the way and dashes into the hall, running to the bathroom where he locks himself in and squeezes his eyes shut, forcing deep breaths.
He has to be dreaming. He has to be, because things like this, they don't happen in real life. They happen in movies, and that's fine, because movies are movies, and he's just hallucinating, or something, and soon, he'll open his eyes, and he'll just be in Beast's dorm, and Junhyung will have dosed him up with too much medicine, or Kikwang will have accidentally drugged his green tea again, or anything like that. He will absolutely, positively, not be in Ok Taecyeon's body.
That sorted, he takes one more breath before stepping forward and opening his eyes.
Ok Taecyeon stares back at him.
Doojoon gapes at his reflection. He tilts his head. He tilts his head the other way. He pokes at his cheeks, running his fingers down the indentations there, moving to his lips where he pulls them back to expose his teeth, inspecting them closely before leaning back to pull an aegyo face. He lifts up the hem of his shirt, exposing Taec's ridiculously built muscles, and tenses his abs. They go all defined and scary-looking and he throws the shirt down again.
Fuck. He really is inside Taec-hyung's body. He can control everything, the way he talks, moves, smiles, acts, and just… fuck. How did this happen? And how will it… unhappen? Because as much as he has admittedly envied 2PM's success, he's never wanted their hardships, or the blood letters, or scandals, or the fact that they have to work out so much, or the fact that they don't have Yoseob or Dongwoon or anyone else in Beast, even Kikwang.
He wonders, rather glumly, how they're doing. Has Junhyung woken them yet? Is he yelling at everyone to hurry up? Has anyone realized he's not himself yet? Probably not, he thinks, because he was so sick last night that they're probably giving him space, which might be a good thing, because something is telling him that the less people know about this, the better.
Who would even believe him, anyway? Who would believe that he and Taecyeon-hyung somehow… god, he can't even think it. It's ridiculous and stupid and he's not even sure he believes it yet, even with the evidence right in front of him. Maybe this is all a bad dream, just an aftereffect of the medicine they gave him yesterday, and-
Doojoon jumps as there's a loud banging on the door, and Junsu's voice filters through the wood.
"Yah, Taecyeon-ah, are you okay?" A pause. "If you're not vomiting or something, hurry up, because I really need to… fix my hair."
Right. If it's time to face the others, he better start thinking like Taecyeon. What does Taec-hyung think about, anyway? Food? Muscles? Girls? Jaebum-hyung?
This is going to be harder than he thought.
He's supposed to know English. This thought possibly occurs to him too late, when he's finally got himself (mostly) under control, and he unlocks the bathroom door only for Nichkhun to pull him outside, brow furrowed in concern as he begins speaking a bunch of vaguely familiar, yet completely alien, words. Doojoon stares at him in horror for a moment, knowing his usual trusted smile-and-nod strategy will not work this time, and grabs Khun's wrist, but he forgets how strong he (Taecyeon) is and squeezes too hard, making Khun yelp.
"Sorry, sorry," he blurts, pulling back immediately. "I just… Khun-hyung, I can't understand you."
Khun's frown deepens. "What?" he asks, switching to Korean. "It hasn't been that long, Taec."
"Oh, I know, I know. I just. Um. I think I'm still a bit sick. From last night. Um." He forces a cough, flinches at how fake it sounds, and thanks everything that Taec already finished filming his drama before... this happened.
"Something that affected the language center of your brain?" Nichkhun looks dubious, but raises a hand to rest it on his forehead, anyway. "You're not hot anymore…"
Doojoon fidgets under his cool touch and tries to tamp down on a new wave of hysteria, because this is just Nichkhun, and Nichkhun is a friend, both to Doojoon and Taecyeon, and he is nice and helpful and… This isn't working. "Oh," he forces out.
"What? No joke?" And Khun looks even more upset, yanking his hand back like he has been burned. "No innuendo? Nothing?"
"Um?" And so, cornered and desperate, Doojoon does the corniest thing he can think of-he licks the tip of his index finger, presses it to his chest, and makes a hissing noise.
There's a short silence, but then it seems to have worked because Khun is grinning widely and smacking him on the shoulder. "Seriously, man, sort your English out! We just got back from America!" And then, thankfully, Junho walks past, complaining about his scalp, and Nichkhun joins in, the two of them bemoaning their shared bleach-related misfortunes.
Doojoon's breath leaves him in a rush as soon as they turn the corner, and he rests against the wall, grateful for its support. Only he forgets how much taller he (Taecyeon) is and leans back too far too quickly, his skull thunking into the wall.
doojoon: person who i am assuming is taec-hyung in my body: hello. also, i have no clean underwear left, so you'll have to borrow it from junhyung. from doojoon-in-taecyeon's body
doojoon: it's not like i'm enjoying this either
taecyeon: YAH, WANT TO DIE?
doojoon: right now, yes….……what do we do, hyung?
taecyeon: do we have much of a choice? we just gotta ride it out, hope it fades soon
doojoon: o_o why are you the new leader, again? and what about our performance tonight?
taecyeon: ... i don't know. keep texting, doojoon-ah. i have a feeling we’ll need it
"You're okay now, right? Like, properly okay?" Junsu asks, eying him as he shuffles into the kitchen.
"Yeah," Doojoon says, and flops down at the table, forehead resting on the cool surface. It feels nice against his skin, a gentle reminder that sensation still exists and feels the same, no matter what body he’s in.
"You don't look it," Junsu comments, and Doojoon immediately sits up, grinning.
"I'm the master of deception," he says, and waggles his eyebrows. Obviously, this is a suitably Taecyeon-like response, because Junsu rolls his eyes and goes back to reading his music.
"Hyung, I'm hungry," Chansung says, entering to cling onto Junsu's shoulders and complain directly in his ear. Junsu shakes him off.
"Taecyeon's feeling better, talk to him about it."
"Really?" His eyes light up and he has insinuated himself into Doojoon's personal space faster than a blink. "Hyung? Breakfast?"
The mere mention of the word 'breakfast' makes Doojoon realize just how hungry he is, and it is a lot. A lot, a lot. He's starving, even, and he nods as he says to Chansung, "Yeah, that sounds good. What're we having?"
"That's up to you," Chansung says, pulling him up. "I don't make the rules, I just eat by them."
"Wait, what?" Doojoon tries to resist Chansung but he's been caught by surprise and if he struggles too much he'll get thrown backwards, and so has no choice but to stand up.
"It's your turn to cook," Junsu says disinterestedly.
"Hyuuung, you promised," Chansung says, and swings him around so they are swapped-Chansung sitting in his previous place at the table, Doojoon standing awkwardly in the middle of the kitchen.
"But-" Doojoon goes to complain more, but cuts himself off, unsure of how much protesting the real Taecyeon would do in his position. And more, how he would do it. Would he whine? Moan? Indulge in aegyo? Fake tears?
There are too many options, so he gives up and surveys the tiny kitchen. There are already innumerable dark scorch marks above the stove, along with a giant red stain on the counter. There's a series of small holes running along the wall above the sink, and Doojoon immediately feels better. Surely, he can't do anything worse, and hopefully there's cereal so he can just load everyone up on that, which is what he does for Beast whenever it's his turn to serve breakfast in their dorm.
There's an unexpected pang as he thinks this, and he wonders what they're doing now.
They're probably eating. Yoseob's probably still in bed, struggling to wake up, as Junhyung orders Dongwoon and Hyunseung around the kitchen and Kikwang returns from his early-morning gym session.
Shaking his head and taking a deep breath, he forces himself to keep his mind on the task at hand. He'll figure everything out, because he always does, and it'll be fine and he'll be back with Beast soon enough. He needs to focus on eating right now, because Taecyeon's body, when hungry, is really, really demanding.
He moves over to the fridge and opens it and his burgeoning resolve weakens. Because all that's in the fridge is beer and water.
"What am I supposed to make?" he asks, peeking around the fridge door.
Chansung just looks at him morosely, and moans, "Hungryyyyy…"
Junsu ignores him.
"Right." He turns back to the fridge, reaching in to jostle some of the beer bottles around and finding a massive, albeit half-eaten, package of bacon. That's it, but on the bench, next to the empty, half-squashed cereal boxes…
"We can have bacon sandwiches!" he says triumphantly. It's hardly a traditional Korean meal, but he remembers them being nice when he went to America, and plus, he really doesn't think the members of 2PM are all that fussy.
He gets no reply, but he's always been the sort of person to associate silence with a positive response, so he begins the process of trying to find his way around the kitchen.
Without making it look like that's what he's doing.
doojoon: when is bacon cooked?
taecyeon: when the fire alarms go off. hwaiting!
After some trial and error, he finds everything he needs and has the bacon cooking on the stovetop. Junsu and Chansung are still ignoring him, and the others are off doing whatever, so Doojoon figures he should probably use this time to get in touch with Taecyeon again. He leans against the counter and pulls Taecyeon's phone from his pocket, keying in his own phone number.
Hearing his own voice on the other end of the phone, Doojoon thinks, is one of the most horrible sounds that his ears have ever been assaulted with. Worse than Jo Kwon trilling Beyonce in his ear at 4am, even worse than the vuvuzelas from the World Cup.
"Hello?" Taecyeon says again, voice low. "Doojoon-ah?"
Doojoon's throat feels tight and scratchy and his eyes prickle, though, so he stays silent, and after a moment hears Taec’s breathing change.
"Doojoon-ah, are you okay?"
"Hyu… I mean," he corrects himself, glancing at Chansung, but his eyes seem riveted to the sizzling bacon in the frying pan, and Junsu stopped paying attention a long time ago. The best thing to do, he thinks, is act casual. Except for the fact that he usually can't even act casual when he's himself, it's a plan that's completely foolproof. "Doojoon-ah!"
"Well," Taecyeon says after a moment, "this is a mindfuck."
"Um," Doojoon says, unable to add much more.
"Can you get away?" Taecyeon asks, still hushed.
"Not at all! I'm cooking! Breakfast!"
"Oh, crap."
"Right. Just as well Chansung actually likes burnt toast, then."
Doojoon snorts, and, seeing movement out of the corner of his eye, chokes on a laugh. "Ho ho ho, Doojoon-ah, you're so funny!" he says loudly, nodding at Nichkhun as he comes in and looks at him questioningly, before turning back to the stove. The bacon is starting to turn brown. Does that mean it's cooked enough? Or does it need to be… more brown? Doojoon's whole chef-related world was turned upside down the last time he'd failed to make pasta properly on semi-national television, so he's tried to stay away from cooking at all costs since.
His current scenario tells him that was probably the wrong course of action.
"Doojoon-ah?" Taecyeon says questioningly, and Doojoon remembers his purpose for calling.
"Sorry. I just wanted to, you know, catch up. How are you? How is everyone?"
"Busy, you know. I don't know how you guys are even dirtier than us. Do you not have a dorm ahjumma?"
"It's Cube," Doojoon points out, before stopping, feeling someone pressing up against his back. He turns to see Wooyoung standing behind him and he rolls his eyes and mouths, "Doojoon."
Wooyoung nods in response and looks, very optimistically in Doojoon's opinion, to see if there's any coffee left in the machine. There isn't.
"True," Taecyeon continues. "Anyway, man, this is weird. Just… try not to hurt me, okay? My body's pretty precious these days."
"Me too!" Doojoon insists. Something occurs to him, then, so he waits until Wooyoung moves away again, glances behind him to make sure no-one's listening, and lowers his voice. "Also, don't let Yoseob drink too many sugary drinks. And make sure Hyunseung takes a break. And that Dongwoon focuses right in dance practice, because he has the tendency to drift off and he really needs to nail this. Also-"
"Yah," he hears in the background, though, and it's Junhyung's gruff voice. "If you're feeling better, get off the phone and come and help out. You still need to make your bed."
Taecyeon shushes him, there's some jostling, before Taecyeon says, "I gotta go, I'll keep in contact."
"Please do. See you at rehearsal." His phone cuts off and he jams it back into the pocket of Taecyeon's stupid Mickey Mouse pajamas, glancing at the stove. The bacon is going curly. That's probably not a good thing. Or is it? It probably all just depends on personal preference, right?
"Since when were you so close to Doojoon?" Wooyoung asks, and Doojoon turns to see him sit down next to Nichkhun and steal his coffee.
"Um, what?" Doojoon tries not to look at them, to formulate an answer, but Junhyung's grumpy command keeps cycling through his mind. He is suddenly struck with the intense desire to go and make Taecyeon's bed.
"Doojoon," Wooyoung prods. He frowns when Doojoon doesn't answer. "Hyung?"
"Sorry… sorry, I just…"
Junho walks in, sniffing the air. "Is something burning?" He notices the bacon on the stove and rushes forward to pull it off the flame, turning to Doojoon. "Yah, what are you doing?"
"I… I'm…" Doojoon dithers for a moment, unable to meet Junho's concerned gaze. "I'm fine, sorry, I don't-" He reaches for the frypan, but Junho moves it out of his reach.
"Hyung, I can do this. Maybe you should go and lie down. I'll call you when I'm done."
"I'll help," Nichkhun immediately offers. He stands up and moves over to Doojoon, hands on his shoulders as he guides him to the door. "Go rest. Don't try to do too much, that's when things get out of control."
Doojoon lets himself be pushed into the hallway, watching detachedly as Nichkhun and Junho go back to the cooking. Things are already out of control, way out of control, and nothing he's done, or can do, will really change that.
"He's been weird since yesterday," Wooyoung comments, not even trying to be quiet.
"Maybe the magician cast a spell over him?" Chansung ponders. There is a moment of silence before he follows that up with, "Does this mean I can have his share of the food?"
They move on from that, dismissing it as the crazy notion it is, returning to reality, bickering over who has to set the table, but suddenly Doojoon just knows. It hits him with disturbing clarity, and he locks himself in the bathroom again, staring hard at Taecyeon's face.
The magician. He has no idea why it didn't occur to him earlier, but since the previous day has mostly morphed into one giant blur of pain for him now, it's probably not all that surprising.
It has to be the creepy magician, it has to be. He did something all… creepy and magical at Strong Heart and now he and Taecyeon are like this and…
Doojoon hates variety shows.
doojoon: i'm gonna kill that stupid magician
taecyeon: get in line
doojoon: seriously. i'm gonna get chansung to teach me how
taecyeon: were you planning on using a banana?
Part 2