Another update in the life of Steph.

Mar 14, 2009 17:18

After my quiet moments I always come back with a big ass post showing what I've been up to lately ( Read more... )

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Comments 16

snoozeberries March 14 2009, 22:32:08 UTC
I love the costume, the art, ;.;!


moradoshinigami March 16 2009, 01:26:40 UTC
Thank you! <3 <3


axelia March 14 2009, 23:21:10 UTC
I still feel like I should sic my Mistress 9 hair on the bint. That should do the trick. I honestly have no idea how people can listen to music that loudly anyway, and now that they're doing it to be malicious? That's just fucked up.

re: moving- I know that game. Not to the extent of you guys because well, it wasn't. I don't really remember much of when we moved to California, but either way...I hope you guys have the money to move by the end of July. Any amount of money saved is good. But BOXES!!!

Stress is lame and affects everyone differently not much I can say there.

Rambling comment is rambling.



moradoshinigami March 16 2009, 01:28:52 UTC
Especially with a kid around, that just blows me away. You should sic that hair of yours on them, that should teach them a thing or two!

OMG boxes! Though I'm afraid to say that the cats are enjoying the boxes far more than I am, lol.

<3 to the power of 10xinfinty.


sailortelevator March 15 2009, 00:02:52 UTC
I love your massive long updates. I don't know why, I just do. ^_ ( ... )


moradoshinigami March 16 2009, 01:33:44 UTC
Lol, thanks. You may be one of the only people that do, lol. I always feel bad about the massive updates just cause it's taking up so much fl space.

Thank you! I putted around with the idea of doing one out of scuply years back but decided not to just cause I felt it would be too heavy, lol. That's so sad that it broke though. ;-; It's very cool you get to make a sword out of wood though, a lot of times that just seems like the best way to go. @.@

No, they never give up. T-T

If you jaw is locking like that you may have some grinding/gritting problems as well and may have to look into a splint/nightgaurd someday to give the muscles in that area a break. What happens is the muscles that open and close your jaw get tight, just like shoulder would with stress and it can cause grinding, clenching, or even a popping or locking jaw. It's fun stuff I tell you!


sailortelevator March 16 2009, 11:23:05 UTC
Well you have lots of people here that like to read the updates. ^_^ I tend to just ramble about bananas in mine. :P

Yeah we think it was because of the sheer weight of it, and because she didn't keep in a case. But it looks great, and we're only using this version for the London May Expo dance skit. We're doing "Harsh Saint Cry", and holy crap is the choreography complicated. :P She's already thinking about how to make the next version. :)

Yeah, it's stressrelated. Luckliy enough my life has been better recently so it hasn't been doing it too much. I'm on the waiting list to get help, but dental care in Sweden SUCKS. It'll take years before I get any help. But it's not too big of a problem, so I'll be fine. Not like yours which seems very, very painful! :S


jdisaiyajinmars March 15 2009, 03:29:46 UTC
Oh moving.... I hate moving enough as it is, I couldn't imagine the type of move you guys are doing. ;-;

The mirrors look pretty cool so far! (Though I couldn't see the last progress pic.. nothing loaded. ;-; ) I should probably make a mirror for my Neptune costume sometime.. but that'll never happen since I do still need to finish all the Pluto crap from like.. 5 years ago. x_x;;;

Oooo, your costume looks gorgeous! I can't wait to see you guys wearing them. ^_^


moradoshinigami March 16 2009, 01:35:18 UTC
Yus. T-T

Thanks! I feel your pain, both of these mirrors I'm starting on I had the materials for....for like....2-3 years already, lol.


sailor_asteroid March 15 2009, 07:50:35 UTC
That neighbor business is getting absolutely ridiculous, especially with a BABY around?! Are they freaking retarded? At the very least, if you see that chick around again, report not only the music to the police, but child negligence because blaring music cannot be good for his/her young ear drums ~_~

Best of luck with your head and teeth, I know jaw problems are never fun ;.; (I continue to grind my teeth at night, and probably need a new mouth guard since I lost my old one XD) At least the costume is turning out splendidly, the mirror is going to be fantastic!


moradoshinigami March 16 2009, 01:37:47 UTC
I know right? How does that baby not cry 24/7 is beyond me!

Yus, new nightgaurd is good! I don't wish my pain on anyone, so I will nag people to take care of it! Lol!

Awww, thanks! Have you started on yours yet? I know you're recouperating but I didn't know if you had collected materials yet or not? :DDDD


sailor_asteroid March 16 2009, 01:52:01 UTC
Which materials? XD


moradoshinigami March 16 2009, 01:56:23 UTC
Cosmos! :DDDD


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