The State of Me

Apr 16, 2007 15:35

Our tax guy actually got us a refund from the Feds. Unbelievable. This was largely due to our moving expenses, otherwise we would have owed because of my self-employment taxes. But we're getting back ~$2k between Federal and Maryland. We had to pay $166 to Colorado. Much better all around than we'd anticipated. Next year will not be like this. At ( Read more... )

the plan

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Comments 30

sweptawaybayou April 16 2007, 22:12:14 UTC

Yay for the tax $!!!

and omg! for the job offer from Winter park! That would be so awesome. *crosses fingers and toes*

And YOU.

I am in awe. And so very inspired!! I can't wait to hear all about the tri and your training. And your continued success!

This is just such a win!win! post. And I'm so happy for you both.



moosesal April 16 2007, 22:19:06 UTC
Thanks sweetie. If Chris can get the WP job, things will be good. Steady income for him will make my fluctuations easier to deal with. But if he doesn't he's still got a job right now. So we'll see.

I'm very excited about the tri. I think what I'm most excited about is just the notion that I'm going to do it. That I picked up an abandoned dream and am going for it.


stoney321 April 16 2007, 23:42:26 UTC
Again, SO PROUD of you. 14s to 10s? THAT IS SO AWESOME! You clearly need to send me pics of you in some new panties. HEEE!

I hope Chris gets that job - how freaking awesome is that?


moosesal April 16 2007, 23:50:37 UTC
If Chris gets that job we will be so very happy. The guy got all serious and said, "I'm going to be upfront with you. Whoever I hire is going to spend the summer with [person X] tearing down and rebuilding all our snowmobilies." He was surprised at how excited Chris was by the prospect. I guess he wasn't expecting it because Chris doesn't have that experience, but that's what Chris wants to do -- work on over-the-snow equipment. I really hope he gets this.

I don't need new panties because all my nice ones fit better now. :)


stoney321 April 16 2007, 23:52:54 UTC
Ahahahahaha, I went to a VERY WRONG PLACE when I read "I don't need (omits) panties (fills in mentally: I'm taking pictures for Stoney, mrawr)"



moosesal April 17 2007, 00:05:59 UTC
Well, I don't need panties at all, but ...


misanthrope7842 April 16 2007, 23:54:33 UTC
Wow! Good luck! You've got all my can't swim a bit support!


moosesal April 17 2007, 00:06:24 UTC
Ah, thanks sweetie.


ruthless1 April 17 2007, 01:36:49 UTC
Is it the Danskin? I coached someone on her swimming a few years ago. If you are worried about it - find someone to help you with your breathing - that is probably what is so hard to about swimming for you. Go Sal - you sexy moose you! And two sizes down? That is AWESOME!


moosesal April 17 2007, 02:08:56 UTC
It is the Danskin. :) I'm not so much worried about the swim -- I'm a good swimmer. It's just the part I have to train the most for -- it's the swim endurance. When I was rafting regularly, I put a lot of strain on my shoulders, so my big thing is to start out easy and build my upper body back before I try for too much distance.

As to breathing -- I would like to get in the habit of breathing every 3 strokes. I tend to favor breathing on my left side and I want to get out of that rut. That'll mean doing some laps where I really just focus on that and not anything else.

Are you a swimmer?


ruthless1 April 17 2007, 02:12:30 UTC
I used to be a lifetime ago. I seem to have blown out BOTH my shoulders this year with bad mandolin habits and bad computer posture. When they get closer to being normal again (and I am confident they will) I will maybe start swimming again. My friend just wanted me to observe how her breathing was because she wanted to do both sided breathing. It worked out okay. Darn these pesky shoulders! and yay for not going for the project manager job. It's just not time yet!


moosesal April 17 2007, 02:18:45 UTC
LOL. It really isn't time yet for the job thing.

I hope you can get back to swimming. I have always loved swimming. I sort of resent my mother for not supporting me doing any kind of sports in high school. I would have swam if I'd had a way to get there. *sigh*

For this tri the swim will be the hardest part for me mostly because the distance for the bike and run portions are already doable. I could do the bike and run today -- not super fast, but I could do them. The swim on the other hand, would require multiple rests, I'm sure. But by July I think I'll be fully ready for the whole thing. Yay!


viciouswishes April 17 2007, 02:36:31 UTC
*waves and smooches*

BTW since your an outdoorsy woman, I work here now and thought I'd let you know that I can get you discounts.


moosesal April 17 2007, 02:59:06 UTC
Ooh. Good to know. How's the job going? Better than the last? Some of your old work posts would just boggle the mind. :)


viciouswishes April 18 2007, 19:38:54 UTC
The new job is definitely better than the last one. The company just in general is a lot happier of a place to work and the upper management appears to be a lot saner. Plus I'm getting paid more and have better benefits. Though I do sometimes miss my old co-workers. However, they're just down the street, so I can lunch with them.


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