Title: Where Mercy Died
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Pairings: None.
Summary: This is the place where mercy died.
Author's Notes: Umm... Sirius in Azkaban... kind of.
Where Mercy Died
This is the place where mercy died.
Haunted, they lie captured, their screams dulled by the heavy fog.
The only thing worse than the screaming is the silence. They all go quiet eventually, when the dementors have fed on every happy memory they’ve got, and there’s nothing left but darkness. The truly evil ones - Bellatrix, Sirius thinks - eventually forget why they’re here in the first place, because that’s a happy moment too.
And that’s when the silence comes: at the very end.
Sirius doesn’t forget. He will never be able to forget, because he is not supposed to be here, and the dementors know it well.
This is the place where mercy died: Sirius went in laughing.