Title: Close Your Eyes
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Pairings: Harry/Blaise
Summary: On the night before Harry leaves, Blaise Zabini's world is coming to an end.
Author's Notes: HBP spoilers, slash, and slightly angsty. Based on the quote, "If the sky were to suddenly open up, there would be no law, there would be no rule: There would only be you and your memories, the choices you’ve made, and the people you’ve touched. If this world were to end, there would only be you and him, and no one else" from Donnie Darko.
Close Your Eyes
He came back after destroying the last of the Horcruxes. He came back to Blaise, with His pathetic friends in tow, and made promises upon promises that they both knew He would never be able to keep. Promises of forever, of an eternity together, making up for years of lost time.
He will leave tomorrow, Blaise knows. He will leave to finish everything he’s worked so hard for, and no love for Blaise could ever be strong enough to keep Him from it. Chosen One.
For now, He lies peacefully in Blaise’s arms, and Blaise can only hear the noise of His steady breathing as trumpets heralding the apocalypse.
Sometimes Blaise thinks that when it comes, there will only be the two of them, but he knows that he is more likely to be alone. Forgotten, in an endless sea of His great deeds, His choices, and all the people He’s loved in all his life.
‘Close your eyes,’ Harry whispers, one hand unconsciously tracing Blaise’s features. ‘I’m still here.’
It is not long before Blaise’s restless mind stops fighting whatever hold He has over it, and his eyes flicker shut. In the morning, Blaise knows full well, his entire world will come crashing down around him.