Title: Shines a Light
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine.
SHIP(s): Biggs/Luke, if you squint really, really hard
Summary: Some people are born to be heroes.
Comments: Like I said, very, very mild references to slash, but it's easy to deliberately misinterprate that as brotherly, or something of the kind, for you slash-o-phobes. Also, drabble-y. Very drabble-y.
Shines a Light
Some people are born to be heroes, he knows, and he and Luke are two of them.
It’s all about the name, he tells Luke when they watch the suns setting together one evening on Tatooine. Names like Skywalker and Darklighter - that’s what we’ll be, Luke. That’s what we’ll be together.
Biggs thinks, even as he leaves for the Academy and Luke is made to stay behind, that they will always be heroes together, and he knows he’s right.
He proves it when Luke finally joins the Alliance, and they walk the skies together and bring down the Death Star. He proves it, even though he doesn’t see when Luke’s fighter walks the final distance and wins the battle.
Luke lights up like a star in the black of the Empire. The light of Hope, and Love, and all the other things that make him so uniquely Luke, and Biggs can’t help but love him for it.
At the end of all things - for Biggs, at least - his eyes are shrouded in the darkness of death, but somewhere in the distance, a light shines, and Biggs gets to his feet and follows. This light is not Luke’s, he knows - this light is his.
And he knows that Luke’s own light will burn soon enough, and then they’ll be heroes together again; forever, this time.