Title: Ten Seconds
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Pairings: 1x3 (or 3x4, if you prefer)
Summary: Breathe.
Author's Notes: For
mara_202, from that meme thingemyjig I did a while ago. Long overdue, but still...
Ten Seconds
10. Barton is watching you.
9. You can feel his stare, heavy and penetrating on your back.
8. You wonder why he does it - you’re not the most interesting of characters.
7. And you certainly can’t measure up to Maxwell’s exuberance, or Chang’s constant aggression.
6. You stiffen.
5. Turn in your chair.
4. Return the treatment - he looks away, feigning innocence.
3. Shove your chair away from the table, and lurch to your feet. Gracefully; always gracefully.
2. One-step-two towards the door.
1. Breathe.