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Comments 120

epilepticshiny May 5 2010, 07:22:25 UTC
In the back of a crowd, a young girl was pushing herself up on her tiptoes, trying her darndest to see what was going on over the people. It called to her, attracting her like a bee to honey. She whined, stomping a foot in aggravation. "I can't see!" Luna whined.


firehairheart May 5 2010, 07:44:01 UTC
Mari hasn't been messed with by the nexus in awhile. But today, it's decided to bring her here.

Oh. She kind of likes its taste, actually. She gives a bit of a cocky smirk herself as Beryl is led by. Yes, she recognizes the feminized version of the man she once adored. This is more than deserved, if the worlds are similar at all.

Mari's attention is pulled away by one of the impatient children crowding around actually being near her. She steps a bit closer.

"Hey, I'll boost you up to see."


epilepticshiny May 5 2010, 08:00:38 UTC
Luna blinked, looking up at Mari with a smile. "Thank you, neesan!" she replied, "Everyone's just so tall, and I want to see what's happening." Of course, Luna already knew; she was surprised Moon-neesan wasn't nearby.


firehairheart May 5 2010, 08:07:36 UTC
"Don't you know already from seeing it? Someone's being executed. A witch, I guess." Mari is a product of the past and present lives both, and thoroughly believes the existence of witches. After all, she worked for one.


rabbitofjustice May 5 2010, 08:36:42 UTC
The first thing Usagi notices when she realises that her surroundings have changed is that she somehow got stuck in the middle of a huge crowd of people. And that she's too small to be able to properly see what's going on with all these adults around here. (Hey, if there are this many people, then it must be something fun, right? Maybe a magic show! That'd be fun!) She doesn't quite seem to fit in with the other people clothing-wise, but either she doesn't notice or doesn't care.

She tries to make herself taller by standing on her toes and even jumping up, but all she can see is fire. So it's a magic show after all? Usagi glances around to see if she can ask someone about it, but some of the people seem kind of intimidating so she decides against it and instead continues her efforts to try and see the show.


queenofkindness May 5 2010, 08:39:52 UTC
The princess! No, the princess' alternate. But it's still the same. Mercury is instantly sorry another alternate has to see what's about to happen. She manages to duck away from her own ladies, and make her way to Usagi's side.

"Princess, you shouldn't be here."


rabbitofjustice May 5 2010, 08:45:39 UTC
Wait, princess? Suddenly it makes sense in Usagi's head, especially when she looks at the people around her and their clothing. Then this was the past life? That was kind of cool as well, Usagi hasn't been there a lot yet!

She smiles widely at Mercury, happy to see at least someone she recognizes now. "Ami-chan!" No, wait, this past life Mercury isn't named Ami, right? But how is she supposed to name her then? Mercury-chan?

... That doesn't sound right either. Usagi just decides to drop it.

"I'm sorry, the nexus has brought me here!" She motions in the general direction of the stage. "What's going on? A show? Is it any fun?" Have a genuine curious and excited look.


queenofkindness May 5 2010, 08:48:51 UTC
"I am sorry," Mercury apologizes for the confusion, "I am not Mizuno Ami. She is my alternate. I am Mercury." She thinks seriously about refusing to answer the rest, but she supposes it will be better if the princess hears about it from someone closer to her.

"The men of Earth intend to execute a girl from their palace, Beryl," she explains. "They stopped her attempt on your life, and the prince's. She was sentenced to this because of that."


any/all dress_up_queen May 5 2010, 22:25:39 UTC
There is one person in the crowd who looks...shocked. One who, if one thought to look closely, looks a lot like the condemned. But not entirely.

Of all the alternates of the woman at the stake, this one does not have red hair. It may be a saving grace. No one pays attention to her as they listen to the king, no one notices. She's just another face in the crowd.

But Beryl herself...Beryl cannot believe what she is witnessing.

She's being executed - rather, another her. Her alternate is about to die. She cannot comprehend how, and yet, she feels uneasiness that those she may have met in the nexus...did they think her that terrible a person because of the actions of another self? Was this how they viewed her?


Sorry for the uber late response! Was away for the day! kingoftruth May 7 2010, 06:14:12 UTC
He's not sure what it is that draws his gaze away from the merrily burning body of his master's enemy, but what his eyes find below in the crowd... A dark look crosses through Kunzite's eyes as he excuses himself from the royal stands, teleporting down to where the witch's alternate stands.

"Do you enjoy the sight of your own death, Beryl?"


It's ok :p dress_up_queen May 7 2010, 14:05:51 UTC
She nearly jumps when she hears Kunzite behind her. How, how did this man know...

"I'm not that woman." She clasps her hands together to keep them from shaking. "I'd prefer if you didn't associate me with whatever her crimes might be."

A beat.

"Watching this is hard enough."


kingoftruth May 7 2010, 19:16:48 UTC
"If I associated you with that witch's crimes, you would be dead where you stand." The words are smooth, casual even, as he stares at this altrenate of Beryl. "After all, my sword was denied the taste of her blood. But I am not so uncivil that I would kill you before being sure of your... loyalties and crimes."


Anyone if available!! grdn_n_white May 6 2010, 02:57:42 UTC
Zoisite was in the back of the crowd, but wasn't in the garments that a regular Zoisite was seen it. It was the dress of a well-off commoner from the past life. He carried with him a pack that had the uniform he wore, some food, money he had earned playing music for people and his guitar which had been given. His hair was pulled back tighter than usual as well.

He was curious as to what was going on. In the back of the crowd, he watched over the procession. Upon seeing the woman that was being paraded about before being led to the stake his head began to hurt. He stumbled back, keeping his head down to try not to be seen.

"Why," he whispered no one in particular, "why is she familiar?"


Sorry for the uber late response! Was away for the day! kingoftruth May 7 2010, 06:20:03 UTC
That shock of silver white hair, unusual for any human, is enough to somehow catch Kunzite's eye, draw his gaze away from the bright flames that still engulf the traitorous witch upon the stage, to the alternate of his fellow shitennou that has appeared in the crowd. A little frown twists his lips, as it means he must draw his attention away from the entertainment at hand, but it can't be helped, and so after quietly excusing himself from the royal stands, Kunzite teleports down to where Zoisite has appeared.



It's fine, no worries. Was busy with class stuff myself ^_^ grdn_n_white May 7 2010, 20:53:52 UTC
Zoisite jumps slightly as he turns to see the man - Kunzite, if he remembered form the last time he met someone who looked like him. He stood before the man in the well-off commoner's clothing, just staring. He had a feeling he looked strange to the member of the shitennou, but it wasn't exactly like he had a choice. Well, it was if he wanted to see places where the normally white uniform was cut and had dirt and dried blood on it.


He was trying to keep his hand away from his head. His head which was pounding at a face that - before it started to burn - was something that was important, that should have been remembered.


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