Fic: "Fast As I Can" (10/? J/Z AU)

Sep 15, 2008 08:36

Aaaaand...we have the newnew stuff. Despite my best attempts, some stylistic changes from here on out, I expect.

Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine

But I'm not ready say, 'I love you' yet )

star wars, writing, myfic, fic: fast as i can, jaina/zekk

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Comments 7

ennta September 16 2008, 02:30:34 UTC
It's always nice to see Peckhum. He's perceptive as always. ;)


moonlightrick September 20 2008, 02:47:43 UTC
Haha, Peckhum is vastly underused, though I haven't read the YJK in years, so I keep worrying that I'll write him ooc. Still, fun. Also, way too wise to what's going on between these crazy kids. He'll be back, too :)


southernrogue47 September 17 2008, 02:31:30 UTC
Eeehehehehe. Peckhum. *snicker*

Tabloids are stupid. And yet simply the covers are oh so entertaining. :P

(Also, the Mique in my head = Mick from Moonlight. *shrug*)


moonlightrick September 20 2008, 02:53:46 UTC
Peckhum <3

Haha, tabloids are crazy enough here, with aliens and vampires and lives perpetually hanging in the balance, and the idea of tabloids in the GFFA - where there *are* aliens and possibly vampires and serial Traumatic Events - is really quite frighteningly entertaining for poor Jaina.

Lol, I always picture Mique as this *enormous*, towering mountain of a bartender who's given serious thought to the idea of locking Jaina and Zekk in a closet. But I'll let you keep that amusing idea, and not squish it with in-fic physical details ;)


southernrogue47 September 20 2008, 19:49:02 UTC

(That is the most adorable icon in the world. <3)


moonlightrick September 20 2008, 19:57:21 UTC
David and Billie are so frakking adorable; it's no wonder Rose and 10 were so good together <3

Also, acupo_tea made the icon :)


(The comment has been removed)

moonlightrick September 20 2008, 02:59:02 UTC
Peckhum is just basically awesome. He demands to be missed :)

Now I have this idea of Kyp/Jaina as the GFFA’s version of Brangelina.

LOL. Um, more like...Brad and Jen? In the constant fervor of "they're totally back together now!!1" and such. I was also just thinking of the poor K/J shippers who live in hope :p

I really like this examination of what Jaina has to deal with on a day-to-day basis, and the impact tabloid reporting has on her life. As a Solo, she’s rich, famous, a Jedi, and a Rogue, and any one of those is hard enough to manage well on its own…let alone the havoc they collectively wreak on personal relationships.

Thank you! It's definitely interesting to think about, and it has a definite effect on her life. It isn't even as if Jaina's an actress or similar kind of celebrity - her life can be really *dangerous*, and she has to worry about what "journalists" might notice her doing. Also, the effect of tabloids on her personal life...will come into play at some point, more than kind of.


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