Claimed | Inception | Arthur/Eames

Jul 15, 2011 13:39

Title: Claimed
Author: dremiel
Team: Romance (written for ae_match)
Prompts: Covers, Smile, Smirk
Word count: Double Drabble (200)
Rating: PG
Warnings: none

He wakes by slow degrees, stretching out small aches and happily recalling how they originated.

Eames catches himself just before he falls off the bed.

He rolls over gingerly to find Arthur sprawled across the mattress, leanly muscled limbs spread across the whole of the bed. Eames has been reduced to a few scant inches, without covers, at the edge. It should be annoying to discover that his lover is a champion bed hog. It really should. Yet he can’t help feeling a little charmed by the incongruity of seeing the normally controlled and composed man looking so loose, so relaxed, so deliciously sated.

The shadows of fatigue under his eyes could be blamed on overwork but there are other signs. Unruly curls falling across his face, the swollen lips quirked in a blissful smile, the blush of beard-burn on a thigh slipping from stolen covers, a livid bite mark on his bicep- they tell a story too: Arthur, undone.

Smirking, Eames worms his way under an arm, over a leg, back toward the center of the bed. He slides against his lover with a contented sigh. Arthur is more than welcome to claim his territory, providing it includes Eames.

ae_match, team romance baby, fic inception arthur/eames

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