Fic: Fire to the Rain, XMFC RPS, James/Michael, R

Dec 02, 2011 01:11

Title: Fire to the Rain
Author: Claire
Fandom: X-Men: First Class RPS
Pairing: James McAvoy/Michael Fassbender
Rating: R
Word Count: 3,050
Warnings: Consent play
Summary: In which they are pirates. In space.
Notes: Title totally stolen from Adele's song. Written for the mcfassy AU!Challenge. Prompt 63. Space pirate AU.

Fire to the Rain )

x-men: fc: fic, rps: fic, rps: james mcavoy/michael fassbender

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Comments 14

kontrapunkto December 2 2011, 02:10:05 UTC
wait - so they ganged up to purposely have a Tumnus shuttle (nice Narnia reference) for McAvoy to fly around in just so they could indulge in roleplaying?

ahahah. ahahha.

To quote Erik Lehnsherr, "Kinky."


moonlettuce December 5 2011, 01:50:12 UTC
Pretty much ::grin::

Glad you liked :D


avictoriangirl December 2 2011, 02:58:38 UTC
UNF. That was hot and wonderful. ♥


moonlettuce December 5 2011, 01:50:38 UTC
Thanks! These two are just too damn hot to not have sex ::grin::


(The comment has been removed)

moonlettuce December 5 2011, 01:51:05 UTC
Scarily, he's had worse conversation with them ;D


beren_writes December 2 2011, 08:32:18 UTC
It's one thing to play kinky sex games, it's another to be able to convince an entire crew to help you play them :D Lovely and hot and so very pretty in my head. Bravo.


moonlettuce December 5 2011, 01:51:27 UTC
::smishes you::


shayzgirl December 2 2011, 08:49:48 UTC
UNF! And wow! And WOW!

... )


moonlettuce December 5 2011, 01:52:33 UTC
::grin:: Glad you enjoyed :D

(Also, James looks hot, he should take off his clothes to make himself feel better ;)


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