Fic: Comparative Noise, SGA, Sheppard/McKay/Lorne, R

Aug 31, 2008 23:21

Title: Comparative Noise
Author: Claire
Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
Pairing: Sheppard/McKay/Lorne
Rating: R
Summary: Lorne can't stop himself from wanting to run a finger over the soft cuffs around McKay's wrists...
Notes: Written for kink_bingo's 'Bondage (misc)' kink. Set in the same universe as Ternion

Comparative Noise )

sga: sheppard/mckay/lorne, sga: fic, writing: kink bingo

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Comments 18

shetiger August 31 2008, 23:56:02 UTC


moonlettuce September 2 2008, 22:58:32 UTC


slybrarian September 1 2008, 01:28:48 UTC
Oh, that's hot. Tied-up McKay on his knees with Sheppard and Lorne is always a great image.


moonlettuce September 2 2008, 22:59:45 UTC
There's just something about the Sheppard/McKay/Lorne threesome that makes me smile ::grin:: Glad you liked :D


xela_fic September 1 2008, 16:10:48 UTC
Three cheers for the kinky threesome!! :)


moonlettuce September 2 2008, 23:00:04 UTC
::grin:: Yay!


lillyjk September 11 2008, 02:26:09 UTC
*whimpers and flails*

oh I do hope you write more of this particular threesome with this power dynamic. So freaking hot.


moonlettuce September 11 2008, 21:02:53 UTC
This is turning into my no-redeeming-qualities-just-the-porn-thank-you!verse ::grin:: I'm kinda liking it, so I'm glad others are, as well ;)

Edited because, apparently, I can't spell... ::grin::


perfica September 15 2008, 08:03:09 UTC
Ummm, yes, that. More please.


moonlettuce September 16 2008, 21:39:16 UTC
::grin:: I have plans for more in this 'verse, I've just got to write them. Not that the stories would have any plot, mind you ::grin::


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