
Feb 09, 2012 10:33

"She's kind of like a bored, Valley-girl Fiona Apple. With appalling lyrics. She's amazing. I would happily hand over money to watch her live, even though I could probably gain a similar experience by listening to her album on my iPod whilst staring at a stationary department store mannequin." - unsuccessfully justifying my love for Lana Del Rey to ( Read more... )

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Comments 13

squisheen February 9 2012, 01:11:13 UTC
Recommend a song please :)


moonisaballoon February 9 2012, 01:49:00 UTC
I feel kind of weird recommending any of her songs, to be honest, because I love her whilst simultaneously being aware that her music is overrated at best and flat out terrible at worst. I don't know, have you ever loved anything whilst logically seeing that there isn't any stand out reason for you to? This is how I feel about her.

My favourite is probably Born to Die, though. The lyrics are a lot better than her others. You can find the music video on Youtube :D.


squisheen February 10 2012, 21:25:27 UTC
Weird but cool, I was transfixed.


aerothorn February 9 2012, 03:14:01 UTC
The beginning and end of my engagement with Lana Del Rey:

1. Read a one-page interview with her in Kill Screen, the artsy video games journal.
2. Listened to "Video Games."
3. Was disappointing that video games were not present in any way, shape or form in the lyrics. And was further appalled that her explanation of the title contained a much more interesting story than the generic-goop that was the lyrics.


dodgers_pwn February 9 2012, 03:15:16 UTC
That is a fantastic userpic.


aerothorn February 9 2012, 03:16:27 UTC
I'm glad you like it, because I'm too lazy to ever change it!


moonisaballoon February 9 2012, 03:22:00 UTC
I love how each verse of that song is relationship-centric gibberish and she tacks "video games" on at the end like an afterthought: "BLAH BLAH HEAVEN IS A PLACE ON EARTH BLAH BLAH VIDEO GAMES."


ifeelelectric February 9 2012, 12:11:22 UTC
Interesting way to describe Lana Del Rey lol
I haven't really given her songs a listen yet. I heard a little bit of that song "Video Games" (is that the name of it?) and I liked her voice.


missish February 9 2012, 15:33:13 UTC
I keep hearing people talk about this girl, but I've still not listened to anything of hers. I'll go onto YouTube and listen to Video Games RIGHT NOW ...

Hmm. I don't hate it. I think it's the kind of song I'll like after a few listens. But won't like liking it.


gutteredstar February 9 2012, 21:57:48 UTC
haha what lyrical genius is this. I just listened to born to die. I don't really get all the hate she's been getting. She's no worse than everything else in the charts.


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