Title: How Hard it Rains
Author: Magpie
Rating: pg-13
Genre: Werewolf!Eliot, Nate/were!Eliot/Sophie, references to past Eliot/OMC and non-con Eliot/OMC
Phases of the MoonSummary: After a job goes South Sophie and Eliot have a talk.
Notes: Many Thanks to my Beta LMX_V3point3
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Comments 10
offers insight to Sophie's past. Her instincts concerning Eliot's past with rape opens up the possibility that she may have been in a similar situation at some point. Your exploration of Eliot's vulnerable side and how he still has a small ache for Jacob is very intriguing. And your able to keep Eliot in-sync with his tv-self despite the vulnerability he feels and portrays. Thank you some more for the terrific chapter! And I'm ready and waiting for more to come!
Pretty much I started this fic with the idea that Eliot was distracted by the rain and his line about dungeons and worked it from there. Though apparently I was subtler than I thought I had been, Sophie more or less stated she'd, for lack of a better term, slept her way out of bad situations (even likening it to Eliot's risk of injury when he went into a fight).
I'm mostly just glad Eliot stayed in character. I love exploring the vulnerable sides of the tough guys but yeah... OOC is not a good friend.
Thanks for the comment!
And your Eliot *sighs* So very realistic in his avoidance techniques. So very believable all the way 'round. This is an excellent addition to the verse. I'm glad it turned out you weren't done writing in it.
Though it means I have to step up my game to live up to such high praise (though yeah, sometimes I am kind of like "show, you made her, you're awesome, please don't get her wrong like this").
I admit the rain thing is one of my favorite bits I've written for this verse, I'm glad I came back. There were stories left to tell!
The way you write Sophie here is fantastic, I loved her in this. Her interaction with Eliot is great. And Eliot - trying to focus on the rain, avoiding to think about everything.
But honestly? My favorite part was the ending, when he wanted his Alphas as close as possible. Awwwww.
In serious though thanks you for this comment. I tend to use writting in general, and it seems especially my Leverage fic, to work through things as the characters work through them. Though it tends to worry me I've warped the characters (or offended someone).
But I'm glad you recognized the strength I gave them even in these situations. It's really sort of the point.
Thank you!
But I have seldom seen one written so very well as you did in this verse.
I can't even start to count the things I love about this.
But I am very happy that Eliot finally gets to heal those wounds Jacob left (and really, how I loved Parkers reaction to that name *snort*). I really liked how you did that whole abuse-topic, it was very well written and I liked that you dealt with the aftermath ind didn't let it hang there.
I really like Eliot being a beta. It kind of makes sense, I think. It fits him. And also being with Nate and Sophie as his alphas fits. I really like the idea.
And all those little things. Eliot reacting to his alphas, Parker being so very protective...
Very nice really, thank you for posting this story =)
Also so is Parker being her crazy/protective/Parker self.
Thanks for reading!
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