Fate is Kind (Ouran fic)

Jul 22, 2009 04:11

Title: Fate is Kind
Fandom: Ouran High School Host Club
Rating: PG?
Pairing: Tamaki/Haruhi
Warnings: none
Summary: Maybe it was a silly blue vase that brought them together... or maybe it was fate.
Author's Notes: this is what I like to think these two would be like in a relationship XD

This is a TamaHaru drabble based on Bagsybabe's pic "MOAR KISSY", which is also behind the cut *love*

MOAR KISSY by ~bagsybabe on deviantART

As much as Haruhi hates to admit it, as much as she tries to deny it, she is unstoppably, madly, passionately crazy about the blonde boy who is currently under the covers beside her, smelling faintly of roses.

"Haruhi," he says conversationally, propping himself up on one elbow and staring at her with all the intent focus of a student at work. "Do you ever wonder... if maybe it was fate that brought us together?"

"No," Haruhi replies, sighing and fiddling with the hem of the blanket that covers them. On lazy days like this, Tamaki's company is wonderful, and he knows she feels this way. He is not as smug about it as she would have expected, not as disgruntled that they still had yet to have sex, and not as uncontrollably annoying as she would have anticipated. This makes her feel all the more comfortable nestled under this blanket with him, listening to the rain as it hits the roof and windows. "I know what brought us together. It was that silly vase."

"Then for us, that vase was fate!" Tamaki declares, and Haruhi seriously considers pushing him out of the bed. "The fate that keeps us so closely entwined in each other's lives is none other than that wonderful piece of pottery!"

"Piece of broken pottery," she reminds him, yawning and wiggling her cold toes. She wishes she were still wearing her socks from earlier, but they are damp from rain. She and Tamaki got soaked running from the car that dropped them off to her front door, and the first thing they did was huddle under the covers of her pullout bed, trying to chase the chill from their bones.

"Cold feet?" he asks, in a rather charming manner, she notes. He doesn't wait for her to nod, simply scoots forward, closer to her so she can feel his warmth, and slides his legs to entwine them with hers, covering her feet with his own. His are warm somehow, and she is envious for a moment before she remembers that he is-- quite graciously-- sharing that warmth with her, and forgets about this.

"Thanks, sempai," she says gratefully, and he gives her a rather clownish smile.

"No need to be so formal, Haruhi. You can just call me 'Tamaki', you know," he says, and Haruhi nods, willing to appease him.

"Thank you, Tamaki," she says, though her voice is softer this time. Tamaki instantly reddens from his ears to the tip of his nose and squeezes his eyes shut for a moment. Something about this is so absolutely adorable that she can't resist placing a soft kiss on his cheek, just in front of his ear. A bit of his soft blonde hair gets mixed in with the kiss, but his skin is warm and soft, so it doesn't matter.

"Ha--Haruhi," he whispers, and for a moment she has to wonder why exactly he is so affected by this when he was the one who told her to address him without honorifics. Slowly, his hand comes up to brush her hair and he nestles himself closer, resting their foreheads together, cradling her in his arms. His eyes are watching hers, and they are both intense and shy. For a moment, he reminds her of a child.The way he shifts his feet nervously against hers-- they are warming up quite nicely, she notes-- and smiles in a tender, unsure way is endearing.

Despite all this sudden shyness, he tilts his head to kiss her, and his warm lips press chastely against hers. Almost immediately, she remembers why exactly she is so crazy about him. The way he handles himself around her and the way he kisses her... everything about him impossibly kind and tender, in a way she never could have imagined if she had not experienced it herself. He shifts her in his arms, bringing her closer, and in the world underneath the soft blue blanket she settles-- no, melts-- into his chest as though it is the most natural thing in the world. As much as any girl would, she supposes, she loves it when he kisses her. There is a kind of soft shyness to the whole experience, with passion laced in at the edges that will sometimes creep in and catch her by surprise. They are only teenagers; she knows they are young and inexperienced, but she also knows that this is probably exactly the way kissing should feel. In his warm arms, she feels sheltered from the world, feels like some kind of damsel in distress in a bad movie, and she doesn't mind in the least. It is like an entirely different world between the sheets and blanket with Tamaki holding her so near. Haruhi supposes it is silly to assume that heaven feels something like this.

A bit of that sudden passion kicks in, and the quiet world of chastity is interrupted by a gap between Tamaki's lips. Clumsily, she follows suit, feeling a bit silly and unsure of herself. Tamaki's hands rub small, gentle circles on her back, and slowly she brings her arms up around him as well and leans into the kiss with a bit more confidence. Neither of them really know what to do or expect, but they follow their feelings and slowly the kiss begins to escalate, to the point when finally open mouths are latched together and the tip of Tamaki's tongue brushes ever so experimentally against her lip. This is the point where they have always stopped before, just that one tiny brush before they both lose their nerve and retreat to the safety of simply holding each other.There are feelings that are staggering whenever that brush occurs, and Haruhi wonders exactly which one of them if more wary of going much farther.

It becomes apparent that it is her when Tamaki's tongue runs slowly across her lip, and he parts from her for a moment to murmur her name heavily, sliding one hand up behind her ear and tilting her head up slightly, his expression desperate. "Haruhi," he whispers again, and it sends shivers through her body. Suddenly they are locked together once more, kissing more feverishly than ever before in the past, hands clutching blindly at each other. Without thinking, Haruhi slides her hands under his slightly damp shirt, and as her fingertips slide across smooth, hot skin, Tamaki makes a kind of whimper into her mouth... something that could almost be seen as a moan.

"Tamaki, I don't..." it is hard to force herself to break her lips away from his for even a second, and so getting words out is extremely difficult. "I don't know if I can..." waves of emotion thunder down over her, intense and mindblowing, and she is nearly breathless. She is saved at that moment when the literal thunder starts up, roaring from overhead like a mythical beast. As her fingernails dig slightly into his back, Tamaki breaks the kiss and comes back with another, more tender one. Deftly, he sweeps her under his chin and holds her there, the little cave of his arms drowning out the thunder considerably.

"Haruhi," he says softly against her hair, his breath warm. He is still breathless and shaking from the abruptly ended makeout session, but she respects the fact that he manages to keep himself composed as he speaks in a way that she could not. "I know what you were trying to say and... I would never try to make you have sex before you were ready. I promise I would have stopped, and I always will until you're ready."

With her palms flat against his chest, Haruhi closes her eyes. Despite the thunder, she is content to simply lay and enjoy his heartbeat. And somewhere deep down, though she will never let him know, a small part of her can believe he is right.

Maybe this really was fate.

fanfic, ouran

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