
Jun 12, 2008 16:46

Don't you love them? It's been twenty years since I've sat down for an exam. I think it went well, anyway.

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Comments 5

dmacabre June 12 2008, 07:12:47 UTC
Good luck with your results. :) Does this mean we'll be seeing more of you? Say, for the upcoming labyfic exchange? ;)


moon_lover68 June 12 2008, 07:14:54 UTC
Yep, I'll have a few weeks off now before next semester. I'm just trying to come up with inspiring prompts!


dmacabre June 12 2008, 18:04:06 UTC
Excellent-- it wouldn't be the same without you. :)


tallulah99 June 12 2008, 12:03:33 UTC
The best part? They are OVER! That was always my favorite part of exams:). Good luck!


moon_lover68 June 13 2008, 00:48:45 UTC
You bet! There's nothing better than walking out of that room at the end ;)


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