Title: Vocation
Prompt: 19. McCoy, career changes
Genre: Gen, Angst
Rating: G
Characters: McCoy, mentions of family, Kirk
Pairings: None
Word count: 200
Spoilers/Warnings: Vague movie spoilers, and also draws on backstory from TOS.
Summary: McCoy thought his career was over. Then he joined Starfleet.
There was never really a choice for him when it came to picking a career. )
Comments 5
Because whoot! this is so woey, so awesomely whoot! woey.
I love your Bones drabbles!
That's why whoot snuck in there. Always excited to read a Bones drabble :)
So just caught up with all your drabbles which are a delight from the Kirk...Chekov optimism one, the Spock rescuing Kirk again one, The Galia independence one and this one. You bring the character out beautifully and I really admire how vividly you bring them to life with only about 100 or 200 words. Though I am glad that These Days and Requiem are longer than 200 words cause those are stories I am savoring very much right now.
Morgan, I do enjoy your style of writing and thank you for sharing your creativity and imagination with us.
Hope your grandmother is doing okay.
take care
And my grandmother is doing pretty well--thanks for the well wishes!
You're welcome. :)
Am still enjoying your stories immensely.
Glad to hear about your grandmother.
take care
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