[Only a few moments passed after the moogle had left Zell all by his lonesome, this was a lot for him to take in all at once. All of these names and places thrown at him were so foreign. Something had slipped his mind completely, however. When he came to, his fingers were wrapped tightly around something in the palm of his hand. A mini-Queen
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[Now there's a welcome surprise. Despite being pressed for time and en route to Alfitaria, Quistis smiles as she looks squarely into her own video feed.]
Zell! Where are you? [She gets a brief glimpse of familiar architecture over his shoulder and nods, once.] Looks like Lindblum.
[Zell let out a hearty laugh, on the verge of weeping tears of joy and relief.]
It's so great to see your face! Are the others here too?! And yes, Lindblum! I mean, that's what the moogle told me at least!
I can come to get you, if you like. Squall and Rinoa left Garden in my care while they were gone; I can come to Lindblum and retrieve you on my way to Alfitaria. Your timing is excellent, I could use your help.
[He couldn't believe what he was hearing, he was completely in shock but frankly he didn't care - though he also had another concern, he couldn't remember the last time he had eaten a proper meal.]
Uhm, Quistis? Before you leave..I have a concern. Please tell me, is Garden still serving hot dogs!?
Hello, Zell. [She tilts her head as she takes in the sight of him.] A man named Laguna told me about SeeDs and Gardens. I think he said there was one flying around somewhere... And that his son was the leader.
I hope that helps. I've not met anyone else from there, though.
..and hey! Maybe you've heard a little bit about, you know..Zell Dincht? Squall's partner in crime? If Squall's here, i'm sure my name's been tossed around quite a bit, huh? I wouldn't be surprised.
I haven't met Squall, just his father, so it's possible. [She places her hands on her hips and grins.] What kind of trouble did the two of you get into?
Oh, you know! Just guys being guys, we were in the same class. It's not that exciting of a story really - but enough nostalgia for now. How do you know Squall's old man?
I have been acquainted with Master Leonheart in times past.
[Looking up the info into his phone.]
Lindblum. 'Tis a safe enough place for you to be reunited with your Garden.
The sooner they arrive the better. I'm starting to feel really out of place here. My clothing, my hair, the fact that i'm not an animal walking on two feet, they're staring at me like i'm some sort of freak. [He states, chuckling softly as if he were implying it to be a joke.]
You're a SeeD? Then you must be friends with Quistie, Selphie, and Rinoa!
I am indeed a SeeD! Selphie is here too? That's great news. It's true though, he's always been like that. Totally a debbie downer, never really let us have much fun.
Isn't he? I was just having some fun with the ladies and he sent me on my way.
[Mjrn perks up. She met him before, or at least another version of him.]
[Zell had sworn he had never seen this person in his life - though apparently they know his name and look at him with oh such expecting eyes. He paused for a moment as he attempted to put a name to a face, neither of which he was familiar with.]
Maybe you're mistaken - I don't think we've met before. Then again, I do like to think of myself as an easily distinguishable kind of guy. Maybe you're thinking of another Zell? I mean, I just got here moments ago.
I recall that distinct tattoo...and you spoke of SeeD. I joined SeeD, as well.
[...though she's sort of on leave, at the moment. It still counts.]
My name is Mjrn.
Ah, yeah - I guess the tattoo would kind of be a giveaway wouldn't it? I'm sorry, I swear i've never met a Mjrn in my life. Either way, it's nice to meet you. Maybe we can start over? I feel like this could have gone a little better, yeah? If you're a SeeD, you're okay by me!
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