[Video/Action for Rabanastre-bound]

Jan 22, 2011 09:14

[This happened before so it's not a surprise to Penelo, but unfortunately it's still heartbreaking to see her home completely devoid of people. She's standing inside Migelo's Sundries, checking the stock like she did when she was still a young orphan under his wardship. Everything's in order. Only there are no people. No customers lifting goods, ( Read more... )

ursula leiden, ashelia b'nargin dalmasca, fran, penelo, balthier, edward chris von muir, blank, basch fon ronsenburg, oerba dia vanille

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Comments 108

[Video/Action] theleadingman January 22 2011, 16:30:51 UTC
[Well. All of this coming and going and popping to and fro was really starting to make Balthier something resembling irritable. It was not so long ago that he was last in Rabanastre, but it was curiously different somehow. Even as he stood in front of The Sandsea, the streets were empty, and a quick look in the window was enough to confirm that it was empty indoors, as well. He frowned and began to take a few steps towards the nearest shop, pausing when he heard his phone notify him of a new message. Taking it from the pouch hanging at his belt, he views Penelo's message and promptly responds.]

I've found my way here, as well. This has happened before? What, precisely?


[Video/Action] danceawaypain January 22 2011, 16:56:01 UTC
Last year, people started walking into places from home. I ended up at the Paramina Rift. Mjrn was in Eryut. It was empty then too, not even any monsters. But when you tried to go somewhere else, you left.

[Which is why she's afraid to open the door of Migelo's shop in case it all goes away again, but she needs to know. She gasps when the street it still there where she can see it and doesn't vanish when she steps outside.]


[Video/Action] theleadingman January 22 2011, 17:02:14 UTC
[He looked up to survey the street in front of him. It seemed fairly open, nothing different than it was at home aside from the entire lack of people. Not a hume or bangaa in sight. He snorted lightly.]

Not a soul to be seen. I've turned up by The Sandsea. If I venture further, then, will I find myself back in Gaia?

[He took a few more steps forward, turning left towards where the armory and Migelo's shop took up residence.]

So far, so good, at any rate.


[Video/Action] mademyresolve January 22 2011, 17:19:53 UTC
[Hurrying along the streets of Rabanastre was none other than her Princess, clutching her little boy in her arms and desperately seeking some sign of life. What had happened here, that the entire city was deserted? Where were her people - the vibrancy, the life? Whether she was fuelled by fear, determination to have answers or concern for the whereabouts of her husband, who could tell. She's a little breathless, reddened cheeks either a product of exertion or the desert heat.]

[Seeming to catch voices on the breezeless air she passed the entrance to Lowtown and turned by the Sandsea, further - there had to be someone - only to halt in her tracks at the image before her.]



[video] tosavecocoon January 22 2011, 18:07:47 UTC
[ In the background, there's a very quiet Oerba, but it's an Oerba without the crystal ash and without the Cie'th. Vanille's not in sight, but it's her voice coming through. ]

Yours is empty, too?


[video] danceawaypain January 22 2011, 20:05:55 UTC
Mmhmm. This happened before but I... not at my home.

[It's really got her worried too.]


[video] tosavecocoon January 22 2011, 20:12:24 UTC
It's happened before? [ That catches her attention. And she looks worried, too. ] Why is this happening?


[video] danceawaypain January 22 2011, 20:31:51 UTC
I don't think anyone knows.

When it happened before, you couldn't go very far before you went back, but this time it's like the whole city is here.


[Video] monk_princess January 22 2011, 20:29:14 UTC
[Ursula peers at what she can see of the city with great interest.]

What a beautiful city....


My home is empty, as well. It's...unsettling.


[Video] danceawaypain January 23 2011, 01:31:11 UTC
I'm sorry. Are you alright?

[She'd brag on her home but it's not the time just yet.]


[Video] monk_princess January 23 2011, 01:42:16 UTC
[Ursula frowns, though not at Penelo.]

I'm fine, but...I wonder what happened to my parents and everyone else.


[Video] danceawaypain January 25 2011, 15:07:34 UTC
They're probably alright and still at home. This happened before. Once you find the way out, everything goes back to normal.

Doesn't stop it from feeling creepy, but at least you know they're okay.


[video] melodiesoflute January 22 2011, 20:41:27 UTC

[Edward chimes in after a moment or so after the earlier footage ends. He's unsure what to think about this latest turn of events, but the bard is riddled with worry. Is this Garland's doing? It must be, but how!? No sort of magic is supposed to be this powerful.]

How is this...happening? This is your home, is it not?


[video] danceawaypain January 23 2011, 01:35:20 UTC
I don't know how but... yes. This is Rabanastre.

[She tilts the camera just a little to give Edward a better view.]

This is Migelo's shop. He's the one who took me in when my parents died. I worked odd jobs for him.

... would you like to see the city?


[video] melodiesoflute January 23 2011, 01:44:39 UTC
[He was silent as he stared at the screen, his eyes focusing on every little detail he could see of Migelo's shop. However, once Penelo spoke a smile appeared upon the curious bard's lips.]

Yes, I do! I may never see Ivalice with my own eyes, but here on Gaia I can at least see your Rabanstre.


[video] danceawaypain January 23 2011, 01:52:05 UTC
[Penelo beams with delight and nods. She heads out the door, running a commentary as she heads north towards the Sandsea, pointing out different shops as she goes, entrances to Lowtown and slowly crossing over into the North End.]

Up ahead, you can see Ashe's palace. I'll show you soon.


[ video ] xredthespianx January 22 2011, 23:31:34 UTC
[ Blank studies the sight for a long while, brow furrowing. ]

Penelo? Is that your home?


[ video ] danceawaypain January 23 2011, 01:39:45 UTC
[She nods, though it's with a wistful smile.]

It is. I'm not used to seeing it so empty...


[ video ] xredthespianx January 23 2011, 04:09:06 UTC
[ Blank is attempting to not look confused - and possibly failing. ]

It's... in Gaia?


[ video ] danceawaypain January 23 2011, 17:01:09 UTC
I'm not sure. It looks real and it feels real. I can pick up everything in the shop. But, I can't get the phone to show me where I'm at.


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